Friday, December 25, 2009



I'm witnessing God's miraculous work in my midst right now. so awesome that my hands are trembling as I type.
My grandma few weeks back fell down and ended in the hospital. following she had respiratory problem and even went to ICU. thank God she was stable soon after. but on the 23rd she had a stroke in the middle of the night. everyone was shocked cause she was doing well. she could walk around on her own and even joke with the nurse.
went to visit her late at night with my mum and sis after my mum ended work that day. her left body was weak and she has little control over it. she was asleep when we were there.
so heartbreaking to see her in that state, with a tissue under her head as she lays side ways because she drools uncontrollably.
we were asked to leave as it was close to 12 midnight. I was prompted by God to stay and pray for her. so I mum and aunt was outside and I get my sis along to join me as I hold my grandma's hand and prayed a simple prayer. for God to heal her, protect her, be there for her comfort and be real to her.

the next day my grandaunty who is a christian brought her pastor to visit her. even though grandma had a stroke she is still conscious and is able to respond to what others ask her. so they prayed for her and asked her if she wants to believe in Christ. AND OMG SHE SAID YES!
following when my grandaunty asked my grandma, "now you know you're saved, you must get well and lead your children to Christ." AND ONCE AGAIN SHE SAID YES! 

this is so unbelievable! God answered all our prayers! I hope this can be a testimony that will impact my whole family and others who hear of this significantly.
this is my best Christmas present. thank You Lord!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Party 20/12

Pot Blessing: who's bringing what?!

Joe - BBQ Chicken & Ribs
XiYing - Nuggets
LingJia&Cheryl - Beehoon, Curry, Satay
Jasmine - Jelly
Ivan - Otah
Joyce - Drinks, Forks & Spoons
Nelson&Rebecca(late) - Log Cake
Smarties - Fried Rice(2 boxes)
Daryl(late) - Chocolates & Chips
Jacelyn - Sushi
Sophia (might be late) - Plates, Cups & Serviette
Ben -

Clarissa -
YM - hotdogs

Wan Hui - still thinking

Those who can bring utensils, please do as well. Plates, forks, spoons, chopsticks, cups, whatever you use to eat/feed yourself. Thanks

Any changes please help to edit as well. Thanks

Please tell me the number of friends you are bringing as well. Via SMS

Currently on the list we have:
Joe, WanHui, XiYing, Jacelyn, YeoMei, Smarties, LingJia, Cheryl, Joyce, Jasmine, Ivan, Ben, Sophia, KaiWei, Andrew, Denise, Shu Kai

Coming late/after dinner:
Daryl, Nelson&Rebecca, Clarissa, Sophia

post updated by joyce @ 2:11AM, 20/12/2009

Monday, November 30, 2009

Hey BFC! Some of the announcements/admin to be cleared (:

1) Last calling for "Sweat-Eat-Out" event!
When: 12th December, Saturday
Where: LSBC
Time: 12pm to 9pm
Cost: $10 per pax

Spend an engergising afternoon of sports and games, followed by a cook-it-with-friends BBQ dinner this December holiday! Invite your friends! Attire to be casual or preferably sports attire, bring an extra set of clothing if you want (in case you perspire too much :D). Please confirm with LingJia your attendance & the no. of friends you'll be bringing. See you there!

2) Christmas Service

When: 20th December, Sunday
Time: 11.15am to 12.45pm

At the same time, we'll be having a Christmas party @ Joe's house! Invite your friends too, and those whom you've invited for last year's party. Confirm with Joshua your attendance & no. of friends you'll be bringing, last but not least, the type of food you'll be bringing! This is to avoid repetition, I'm sure we don't want trays of beehoon that can cater for more than 200 people. In addition, each of us has to bring a present for gift exchange, of not more than $10. Alright, let's look forward to it! :)

3) Christmas Unwrap
When: 26th December, Saturday
Time: 4pm to 6.30pm
Venue: L2 auditorium

This could well be follow-up for friends you've invited for the Christmas service and the Christmas party that we'll be having! :)

4) Watchnight service
When: 31st December, Thursday
Time: 8.30pm to 12.15am
Venue: L2 auditorium
Cost: $4 per pax

Registration has started, & will end on 13th Dec. Please confirm with Sophia your attendance by this week, & bring along the money. Since you guys will be very busy on the 12th Dec with Sweat-Eat-Out, there won't be time to collate attendance and the collection of money. So to make things easier, let's get it done as early as possible! Yeah, your friends are welcome :D

Lastly, THANK GOD for an awesome youth camp! See you guys on Saturday :D


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hey BFC. Prayer requests:

Breakthrough among youths during youth camp, and all programmes to run smoothly.
Need strength from the Lord as I'll be very busy for the next two weeks.

More time to enjoy and to spend it wisely

Thank God that my plants are growing well. Thank God for everything I've learnt in life.
Pray that I will not procrastinate and be able to endure the last lap. Pray for a fruitful and enriching time at camp for everyone.

Pray for enough time to finish school work that's due on the coming monday

Just like to let all of you know that you're kept by the prayers of people. Even our precious Jesus is ever interceding for us..

Romans 8:34 Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.

(In context: Romans 8:28-39) Let us take some time, no matter how busy we are, to reflect on Christ's love for us.. It's just so amazing that we should keep going back to it no matter how old we are. Let us not take His love for granted. (:

Have a great week ppl! And see you guys for camp! Pray for a heart of expectancy for God to touch your heart this camp! (:


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Prayer Requests & Thanksgiving (14/11)

Hi BFC! Sorry for the late post again...

Recovery for sprained ankle.
Pls pray as I've got camp on 18th.
Also pray for good weather during the camp.

Enough time for God and family.
Fall sick very easily nowadays.
Pray that I will not fall sick.

My headache is still like on and off but at least my nose stopped running.
Thanks for all our prayers! :)

Recovered from cramps :)

Thank God that I've got just 3 papers left and for His peace while sitting for the papers.
Pray that I'll be able to be disciplined and persevere because I've got long breaks of a few days between my remaining papers.

To all still studying diligently, keep up the hard work! It will pay off!
To those having holidays, use your holidays wisely!
To those working, Christmas is coming soon! =)
Look forward to every new day!

The Tea Plantation Owner =)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Prayer Requests (as of 7th Nov)

Daryl: To be able to rest on God's promises & to reject any discouraging thoughts! For good memory & keen understanding. Calmness & composure, discipline & determination, courage & confidence, boldness & belief!

Jacelyn: Pray that I will place my hope & confidence in God. And the ability to absorb what I learn & apply well during exams.

Phil 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Keep the rest in prayers as they battle against the 'A' levels! For WanHui, Joe, Uncle KK & Auntie Sharon (unless she's still on maternity leave haha), to have great favour at their workplace. That's all, hope to see the smiles in your faces right after As! :)


Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Levels Schedule

Hi BFC! Here's the A Level schedule so that you can pray for those sitting for the papers =)
The format's like that:
Date, Subject (H1/H2) & Paper (P), (those taking the paper)

9 Nov:
H2 History P2 (Jace, XY)
H2 Geography P1 (Joyce)
H1 Geography P1 (Daryl, Jace)

10 Nov:
H2 Math P1 (Aaron, Daryl, Jace, Joel, XY, YM)
H1 Math P1 (Joyce)
H1 Project Work Oral Presentation (Ling Jia)

11 Nov:
H1 GP P1/P2 (Aaron, Daryl, Jace, Joel, Joyce, XY, YM)
H2 Biology P2 (Daryl, Joyce)

12 Nov:
H2 Chemistry P3 (Aaron, Daryl, Joel, YM)
H2 History P1 (Jace, XY)

13 Nov:
H2 Math P2 (Aaron, Daryl, Jace, Joel, XY, YM)

17 Nov:
H2 Chemistry P2 (Aaron, Daryl, Joel, YM)
H1 Literature P1 (XY)

18 Nov:
H2 Economics P2 (Aaron, Jace, Joyce, XY, YM)

19 Nov:
H2 Physics P2 (Aaron, Joel)
H1 Physics P2 (YM)

20 Nov:
H2 Economics P1 (Aaron, Jace, Joyce, XY, YM)
H1 Economics P1 (Joel)

23 Nov:
H2 Chemistry P1 (Aaron, Daryl, Joel, YM)
H2 Biology P3 (Daryl, Joyce)

24 Nov:
H2 Physics P3 (Aaron, Joel)

30 Nov:
H2 Physics P1 (Aaron, Joel)
H1 Physics P1 (YM)

3 Dec:
H2 Biology P1 (Daryl, Joyce)

Yup, that's about all. Do keep Ben in prayer as well as he finishes his remaining papers.
See you soon!

Daryl =)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Prayer Requests & Thanksgiving (31/10)

Hi BFC! Our prayer requests & thanksgiving:

Thank God for a rather productive week! Thank God that I have had the discipline to exercise! Pray for good lifestyle: eat, sleep & live well!


Pray for drive to press on for the last lap (really last lap)

Pray for discipline to continue to study. Thank God for another productive week.

Wan Hui
Pray for clarity of mind, wisdom & effectiveness in work. Pray for wisdom in planning my pastoral meetings & workshops.

Pray for my teacher's mum, she got into hospital again and has to undergo another surgery as her heart rate isn't very good. Thank God for Promos results. :)

Ling Jia
Pray for clarity of mind during Chinese A levels and confidence & enthusiasm for Oral Presentation.

Pray for a good week ahead, discipline to start studying!

Last week of prep! Pls pray for stamina & strength because my papers are really tight. Continue spending time with God. :)

Last lap, hope to fully utilise my time in studies and not forgetting spending time with God.

Having a poster presentation coming up but totally no ideas on how to present.

Pray for wisdom & perseverance in studies. (I really wanna do well) :D

More time for friends and able to sleep well. Hope that every problem and trouble I have currently will be solved in a smoother way.

Barely met my target last month, but thankful I still have orders :)

Let us continue to be persistent in prayer and have the faith that God will answer them in His perfect timing! Pray prayers of love! See you for Chill & Connect! =)

The Gardener

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Prayer Requests & Thanksgiving (24/07)

Hi BFC! Sorry for the late post! My computer crashed...
Anyway, here are the prayer requests and thanksgiving for the week!

Pray for enjoyment & fulfillment in whatever I'll be doing in the next few weeks. :)

Thank God for a pretty productive week. Pray that I will learn to rely on His strength and provision even more.

Thank God I managed to stick to my strict diet!
Office is like a pressure cooker now. Please pray for favour from customers and orders to come in!

Thank God for discipline! Pray that I'll continue to be disciplined and that I will study smart!

Do continue to keep those taking O Levels in prayer!
See you all soon!


Sunday, October 18, 2009

prayer requests and thanksgiving (17/10)

Hi people. Hope you guys have been doing fine. (:

Do you guys want a consolidated timetable of all the exams we have so that we can keep each other in prayer? If so, you can either sms Daryl or me and we'd compile it asap. (:

Below are prayer requests for 17th.

Daryl: Thank God for my class and that study break has started! Pray for discipline to eat healthily, sleep well and exercise and to study!

Joel: Thank God for the fun we had! Pray for the discipline to study hard and for perseverance

WH: Thank God for that crazy "report" week that went by! Pray for wisdom, inspiration, sensitivity to hear from God as I prepare for sharing for teens (=

Lingjia: Thank God for everything, the results and everything. Need clear directions to know where to go next.

Sophia: Pray for better time management in the oncoming commitments.

YM: Fully utilise time left in working for the exams

Jacelyn: Thank God for the wonderful farewell assembly. I was really affirmed by my civic and co-civic tutors' notes that they were encouraged by my life. Pray that I will not fear or look back at past failures, but to place my faith in God as I mug on. (:

Clarissa: Pray for grand daddy and pray for wisdom for my family to handle the situation. Pray for perseverance and wisdom in my new modules.

Joe: Pray that I can stick to my diet!

Sharon: Pray that work will be smooth-going this week!

May this verse remind us to always keep praying. It's a powerful weapon yeah! (:
Eph 6:18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to SHEPHERD'S PIE aka WAN HUI aka PAMELA aka PRINCESS FOREVER 21
happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Prayer Requests & Thanksgiving (10/10)

Dear BFC,
Our prayer requests for this week:

Pray for my ulcer!
Pray for stamina and belief for the last lap.

Greater Sense of Contentment

Find strength in the Lord to persevere on! :)

Pray for strength to continue for the last week of internship
Pray for a good start for Sem 2!

Pray for strength & focus as I continue to keep momentum for studies.
Close walk with God. Not to compromise quality time with God for studies.

Thank God that Aunty Daphne (Uncle Francis Chia's CPU), who was in ICU for 3 weeks, is now out of the hospital :) She's been battling cancer for many months. The doctor says patients who go into the ICU hardly come out.

Thank God for this week! Pray for discipline and peace of God to be upon me as I finish up my remaining two papers.

Wan Hui
Pray for a good and smooth month at work & for protection and blessings over my bosses.

Yeo Mei
Focus in my work.

Pray for more faith and trust.

New ideas for project report.

Pray that my mum's new job will go smooth.

Keep me in prayer for my finals.
Thank God I passed my driving.

To be healthy and for discipline to keep fit :)

We may all be in different seasons of our lives. Some are finishing school, some just started a new semester, others are about to start school. In all this, let's keep one another in prayer and also our faithful leaders! I believe in the power of prayer! How about you?


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

prayer requests and thanksgiving (3/10)

Prayer Requests and Thanksgivings for the week! (:

LingJia: Positive attitude when results are out. Need miracle!

YM: Study hard!

Daryl: Thank God for the productive week and for His strength in seeing me through. Pray for discipline n determination in studying.

Joe: Pray that I'll be positive and trust God to hit my targets. I've been rather negative lately. I must get out of this mindset! Pray also for continued discipline to exercise!

Jace: Thank God for Prelims result! I improved alot. Pray that my heart, mind and soul will learn to trust God wholly.
Here's a verse for you guys, especially those feeling the stress of exams.

Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

5-in-1 package of promises! =D

Sunday, September 27, 2009

oct chillout =D

2nd post. (In case the previous one didn't catch your attention.)

What's happening next week??

October Chill Out! (give yourself a good shake if you haven't realised)

Thank you to YM and co for planning the previous one. We all enjoyed ourselves and it won't have been possible w/o you guys inviting your friends!
Some of us discussed yesterday during cell on what to do and since Nov would probably be a lighter programme (exams and all), we're playing sports next week! Here's the outline:

Sports (carried out by Joel and Smarties)
-Dodgeball/ poisonball
-Touch Rug
-Backup: Captain's ball
-To all: Pls bring any kind of ball you may have for dodgeball (e.g. tennis ball, soccer) that is preferably not as small as pingpong ball and not as hard as basketball. And let Joel know via sms so that he knows if there'd be sufficient on that day. (What's his no? Check the BFC card)
-To Joel: You can probably ask the children's church in advance for the kids soccer ball if there's not enough

We're ordering pizza! (: (Quantity based on turnout on the day) Please bring around $5 each excluding friends.

-The park opp Yuying (there's a open stage there or something)
-MPH for wet weather (not confirmed)

Let's all be sporting and ask at least 2 friends to join us and chill a little. (: (in spite of exam period) Remember our theme this year: Impact One! Start praying and fasting if you're desperate enough. (:

Anyway, we're having simultaneous prayer for our friends on Fri night 10pm i.e. pray at the same time wherever you are. Daryl will send you guys a reminder. (:
May God put in us a desire to see people drawn to Him too!


Prayer Requests and Thanksgiving(26/9)

Hello all! (: Here are the prayer requests:

Daryl: Thank God for an enjoyable week and His protection over me! Pray that I'll continue to enjoy doing Maths!

Joyce: Thank God for the (parents') food ministry in school--> free dinner--> can study peacefully without having to worry about how to settle that day's dinner =)

YM: Fully utilise every time I have, balance between studies and God

Jace: Thank God for improvement in subjects thus far. Pray that I will not be stressed but have peace even as I go about my daily routines

XY: Fully utilise my time and increase productivity (: Pray that I'll stop sleeping during sermon during service.

WH: Pray for parents' health to be good. Pray for wisdom, clarity, effectiveness at work and favour in the things that I do

Annabelle: Pray for the examinations coming in 2 weeks time. Pray also for calmness during the paper.

Jas: Sufficient sleep and able to manage my work properly. Pray that I am able to seek for more friends to church next sat. and for those who did not attend church today, give them a desire to come fore the following week.

Sophia: Pray for discipline and peace of God during revision that I'll not panick as exam gets nearer. Pray for overwhelming response for youth camp. And may the presence of God continue to be with my teacher's mum. Thank God for everything that has happened this week (:

Lingjia: Thank God for everything. Pray for confidence in the Lord, to really submit to God's way. Need peace from God and the joy in studying. Be able to leave everything to God

Joshua: Good start for sem 2

Alright! (: To all having or not having exams, may God's peace continue to be with you and that you will draw close to Him cause' He's the source of peace! (=
Please feel free to drop a prayer request or thanksgiving in the tagboard! Nonetheless, you're still covered in prayers which you may not know. (=

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Prayer Requests & Thanksgiving (19/09)

Hi BFC! For this week...

Thank God for my good prelim results :)
Pray that I will not be complacent and continue to work hard! Perseverance! :)

Thank God that my exams have ended!
Pray that I will continue to study.

Thank God that my back's getting better, & learnt a lot of new things!
Pray for attentiveness in class as I prepare for coming Promos.
Pray for my teacher's mum, she's having the surgery in Oct.

Continue to trust in God to guide my steps and for my future!
Thank God for Prelim results and that I know where I stand!

Continue to keep those who are having exams and preparing for exams in prayer:
Aaron (Prelims)
Ling Jia (Promos)
Sophia (preparing for promos)
Jasmine & Anabelle (papers start 5 Oct rite?)
Clarissa (do you have?)

And for those still having holidays, hope you've had a great holiday so far! May you continue to have a fruitful holiday!
And Cheryl, may you find favour with your colleagues and supervisors even as you continue selling those credit cards!

Daryl =)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Prayer Requests & Thanksgiving (12/09)

Dear BFC! Here are our prayer requests and thanksgiving for the week!

Pray for my teacher's mother's health to recover, it's some kind of heart problem and needs to undergo surgery. Pray for God's presence to be with her always (even though she's a Buddhist now) and that she'll come to know God one day.
Pray for confidence and calmness as I publicise for youth camp next week (there's still some reluctance though haha). Thank God for an awesome week even though I had <5>

Xi Ying
I passed all my H1 and H2 for the 1st time in my entire JC life :)

Bless me with good health. Able to concentrate in studies.
Fast recovery from intestinal infection.

For stamina to run the last lap of the race with endurance.
To trust God above the circumstances.

Do also keep the following people in prayer as they are still having their exams:
And also pray for those who are having holidays that they will use them wisely!

God Bless,
Daryl =)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Prayer Requests (as of 5th Sept)

Joe: Pray that I can go back to my excercising regime :)

Daryl: To have the discipline to use my holidays wisely, & to see things from God's perspective.

Jasmine: Pray that I'll have confidence for papers. Thank God for giving wisdom and I stayed awake during today's paper, & also able to bring a few friends to church last Saturday.

Annabelle: Pray that I will not be distracted & that I could concentrate on studying.

Sophia: COURAGE!

If you have the time, do check out Impact One's blog (link's at sidebar), the latest post on 8th September. It serves as an encouragement for us to persevere on, even when faced with continuous rejection from family/friends. Don't give up! See you guys this Saturday! :DD


Friday, September 4, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Prayer Requests & Thanksgivng (29/08)

Hi BFC! It's great that we have lots of prayer requests AND thanksgiving this week! Shows our dependence on Him and our thankful hearts!

Thank God that Prelims are almost over.
Pray for discipline and perseverance to survive the last week.

Pray for GOOD relationship between parents.

Pray that I'll DIE to self. Die to ill-discipline.

Thank God I hit my 150% target in August!
September is another stressful month. Pray for continued faith.

Pray for the coming Prelim exams

Thank God that my exams are over.
Pray that I will adapt well as internship starts.
Pray for favour with colleagues.

Ling Jia
Thank God for my results.
Pray that I'll continue to enjoy the presence of God and have the discipline to manage my time well.

Pray for my mum's health and also for my upcoming N level.

Pray for Ida's sister, she's in the hospital. Hope God will stay beside her and allow her to recover fast. Thank God that I'm able to bring Annabelle back to church to speak to God. Hope she'll feel comfortable with us. Pray for our upcoming N levels. God bless Iris through her way to the new environment.

Yeo Mei
Thank God I survived Prelims.
Pray that I do not lose my pace in revision, continue to work hard.
Pray that I spend more time with God.

Thank God for a fruitful week! :D
Pray that the weekly cell discussion in my class would work out well, and that we will be able to first bring in Christians from my school to join us, and eventually impact the entire college!
Pray that I'll always be on task and fully utilise the time that I have.

Thank God that he sustained me through the hectic weeks of prelims and pray for disciopline to study and the wisdom to prioritise and do what is most important :)

Pray for my Prelims - that I will have diligence & put in effort =)
Thank God because He has been talking to me & strengthening me!

Pray for my coming exams which is on 7 & 8 September. Very very important papers.


And here's a hymn for encouragement,

What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privelege to carry everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.

Have we trials and temptations? Is there truble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged; take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful, who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness; take it to the Lord in prayer.

Are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Saviour still our refuge, take it to the Lord in prayer!
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In His arms He'll take and shield thee; thou wilt find a solace there.

Blessed Saviour, Thou hast promised Thou wilt all our burdens bear
May we ever, Lord, be bringing all to Thee in earnest prayer.
Soon in glory bright unclouded, there will be no need for prayer
Rapture, praise and endless worship will be our sweet portion there.

May the peace of the Lord be in our hearts! Have a great week! Sorry for this long post. Do note that there's a previous post about sending Iris off (red card) on Thursday!

See ya all soon!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Iris' send-off & Chill Out II

Hey BFC!!!

As we all know, our darling IRIS will be leaving us this Thursday to further her studies... so for those who can make it, lets send her off!

Meeting day/time: Thursday, 2 September, 6.30pm
Location: Changi Airport mrt station, T3
Attire: anything. but airport's cold so make sure you have a jacket or something
Flight number: SQ227
Dinner? probably.

Reply at this tagboard if you can make it! It'll be really nice if you can be there, that's like the last time we can see our Iris until who-knows-how-long later!


Remember to FAST and PRAY! Fast dinner on Wednesday and Friday!
And inform Yeo Mei how many friends confirm coming, by this Tuesday 1/9.

Details are as follows:

Saturday, 6 September 2009
4pm- 8plus?
BFC members to pay $4 each, guests pay $2 each (subject to changes). This is for dinner :)
There'll be ice-breakers, a short sharing session (if i'm not wrong), and of course FOOD!!

More details coming your way. :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

hey all!

Please come around 1530 this Sat(22 Aug). Mel Goh's going to take a video of our cell for camp publicity. I'm not sure how it will be done. Prepare a short sentence, phrase about Passion, like what Passion means to you. I probably wont be there at the time.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Psalm 34

Psalm 34 (some verses that spoke to me so strongly) Here's the message version.

1 I bless God every chance I get; my lungs expand with his praise.

4 God met me more than halfway, he freed me from my anxious fears. 5 Look at him; give him your warmest smile. Never hide your feelings from him. 6 When I was desperate, I called out, and God got me out of a tight spot. 7 God's angel sets up a circle of protection around us while we pray. 8 Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see—how good God is. Blessed are you who run to him.

17 Is anyone crying for help? God is listening, ready to rescue you. 18 If your heart is broken, you'll find God right there; if you're kicked in the gut, he'll help you catch your breath. 19 Disciples so often get into trouble; still, God is there every time. 20 He's your bodyguard, shielding every bone; not even a finger gets broken.

These 2 weeks has been really a rough ride for me in many ways. I lost focus & made careless mistakes repeatedly. sigh. I also got blamed from some supposed gdwill situation but at that time, i did not call my fren to chat. Instead, i chose to really seek the Lord desperately in my car & it's amazing how God & I could have a 40 min conversation filled with pleas, tears & questioning but God spoke so strongly to me. It was a REAL conversation. Peace & comfort came through to me. *Thank God for tat* The Lord showed me my weakness & i'll keep remembering that His grace is sufficient for me & His strength will be made perfect in my weaknesses. Psalm 34:4 "I sought the Lord, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears." (NKJV). I just know God won't leave me in the lurch in my desperate moments. I'm glad i ran into His embrace. Through my bad spate of events, i know that God is gonna walk thru this season with me & i'm going to come back stronger & it'll be an elevation of my faith built in Him! God is my firm foundation! Amen to that!

In His Grace,

Wan Hui

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Basically, the message was on worry.
4 simple ways to STOP worry.
Verses from: Matthew 6:25-34, Philippians 4:4-9, Romans 8:28, 1 Peter 5:7, Proverbs 3:5

Specify your worries
- if you cant specify any, why are you worrying?

Take Actions on your worries
- A survey says 40% of the things we worry about never happen; another 30% of our worries are in the past, and we can't do anything about them. 12% concern other people, and are really none of our business anyway. 10% are about sickness which we can do very little to control. Only 8% of the things we worry about are worth worrying about. And about half of that 8%, which is 4% is actually about trivial things that can be solved easily.

Offer Up Prayers
- the worries which you actually cannot do something about, offer them up to God.

Place your Trust in God
- I think I dont need to elaborate this part..

Sorry for this monotonous post. There's something wrong. I cant change colour, bold, italic, etc.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

LSBC Family Day

Hi dears!

Are you excited for our National Day celebration in church?

Fixed Menu from church:

The church is going to provide Satay, Bee Hoon, Chicken or Beef Stew, Pastry in a sushi looking box (no sushi), cordial & water.

What are we going to cook/bring? (don't overbring or under bring k)

Joshua: Cookies

Wan Hui: nuggets

Ivan: Chicken wings

Lingjia: Otah

Daryl: Muffins & Ice lollies

Cheryl: chips

Yeo Mei: hot dogs & jelly

Jacelyn: Fruits

Xiying: chicken bites

Monday, August 3, 2009

Prayer requests & Thanksgivings (as of 1st August'09)

Daryl: Pray that God will take my faith as small as a mustard seed & grow it! Ask that He'll remove any spirit of lethargy & replace it with a spirit of diligence! To have the courage to face life's difficulties & and the wisdom to manage them!

Jasmine: Able to cope in my studies. And friendship problems will be all right.

Joe: Pray for good sales results!

LingJia: To enjoy the presence of God, acknowledging & praising God for everything, having self-discipline and motivation to study and do QT.

Sophia: Thank God for a fulfilling week in school with teachers & friends! Pray for wisdom in grasping new concepts learnt in Geography, it's not what I've learnt last year. Pray for Irene's dog to recover!

WanHui: Pray for spiritual discipline in devotion.

Yeomei: Pray for discipline in studies.

These are the people who replied me, please feel free to add in! :D

Launching of Impact One's website! Do visit: here. (:


Sunday, August 2, 2009

These are the dates where all the cell groups would plan activities to connect with their friends. We could be having just worship only, or worship & short word, or worship, word & discussion for Youth Ablaze.

5 Sep(Dinner) - XY, YM, Daryl, Joyce, Clarissa, Denise
3 Oct(Sports) - Ben, Joel, Aaron, Jace, Smarties, KW
7 Nov(Dinner&Games) - Jas, Josh, Cheryl, Sop, Gue, Ivan

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Small Things

I struggled to get out of bed this morning, watered the orchids, freshened up, came to office, gonna see customers later, then go home, jog, watch TV, spend time with God.. This is my usual day. Nothing spectacular, nothing glamourous. But life is often filled with a series of small things that can amount to something big. Many people in the Bible go about doing routine, mundane chores during most part of their lives too.

Jesus grew up as a carpenter's son and was a "boring" carpenter till he was 30 years old.
Moses spent years as a shepherd before he discovered the burning bush.
Paul was a tent maker, spending a great deal of his life persecuting Christians.
Jacob spent 20 years working for Laban so as to win his wife over.

Life is filled with daily routines. Every now and then, God takes us to the mountain top to experience His presence in a dramatic way. This is not the norm. God uses small things in life to develop character qualities that He plans to use at the appropriate time. In the small things we develop trustworthiness with God. The day-in and day-out grind of working life molds us and makes us into what God desires. God is still preparing us for something great. For now, however, are we learning the daily lessons of small things?

One thing to pray for ourselves: That we will be FAITHFUL. Faithful in small things, in serving, in loving others, in school work, in attending Youth Ablaze, in reaching out.

He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much
Luke 16 : 10a


Monday, July 27, 2009

Prayer Requests & Thanksgiving (25/07)

Hi BFC! =)
Prayer requests and thanksgiving for this week:

Desire to want to study Maths

Confidence & time needed for my coming Prelims.

Thank God that I passed all my subjects!=D

Thank God for a fruitful week at work. Pray for dad's health to be good.

Pray for my dog to recover from an unknown sickness.

I need sales!
Aug is road show. Expectation will be very high from bosses.
Pray for good sales results!

Thank God for the week! (It was relaxing & fun.)

Thank God for a fulfilling week, even though it was very packed, but still managed to survive through. Pray for attentiveness and clearer mind during lesson time.

Pray for the cell to have faith & impact the person that God has placed upon our hearts.

Lastly, to all of us:
"Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." - Isaiah 40:30-31 (NIV)

Yup! Hope this will remind and encourage us to keep hoping and keep going because God will come through for us! The faithful God that He is =)

Have a great week! C ya all this Sat! =)
God Bless,

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Prayer Requests (18/07)

Hi BFC! Sorry for the late post! Anyway, here's our prayer requests for the week:

Confidence & wisdom needed.

I feel like I'm absorbing more during lessons now! :)

Thank God that my complexion has improved after 2.5 months of medication!

Thank God for my Math (kept getting U & S → D!) :)
Discipline for Prelims (mid-August)

Thank God for giving me wisdom in my studies, pray that I will continue to do well in my assignments & projects.

Thank God for a wonderful birthday!
Pray that God will bless those who bless me!
Wisdom and discipline in life!

Thank God I passed all my subjects except for Physics!
Pray for the retainees in my class that they'll be able to pick themselves up from the post-midyear results depression, that they'll continue to work hard for Promos coming in 12 weeks' time. May the Lord continue to bless them with wisdom & eventually do well and go to Year 2, if not they'll be kicked out of the college.
Pray that I'll focus more on my Physics, the reason why I didn't pass is because to me is just a H1 subject, so didn't spend a lot of time on it, pray for a change of mentality!

Pray that I can finish revising my syllabus before Prelims. Only have a month left.

Yup, that's all for this week! Anyway, wanna thank everyone for a great birthday! =) Felt really special... As though I was really Darylite King!

C ya all this Sat! =)


Tuesday, July 14, 2009



date: 19 july, this sunday.
time: 2.15pm after second service.

i have send an email to all of you. do reply if your parents can make it.
i know its a little last minute so i actually change the date to
2 AUGUST instead.

please please reply me asap. so that i can confirm the date.


- clarissa.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Prayer Requests (11/07)

Hi BFC! Here are the prayer requests for this week...

Healing for cough


Strength to sustain till A levels cause I'm so tired that I always end up sleeping in class >.<

To be able to sleep without any anxiety or worries

Assimilation of Adrian's cell and Timothy into BFC
Good turnout for Parents' Connect which is coming real soon!

Hope you all will have a good week and continue to live your best for God!
Keep the faith!


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Prayer Requests (4/7) and meeting

Hi all!

Joyce: Thank God that I failed only one subject, for the reminder that time is running out and I should stop slacking. (Btw, I got D for GP, in response to what Joe said)

Jasmine: Thank God that I had improved my inter oral by three marks. Remind me not to be nervous during my actual N level oral exam. Put me in preparation.

To Jasmine: See Phil 4:6-7. A verse our cell memorises. (=

Jace: Thank God that I managed to go through the week well. I think God gave me greater confidence to face exams. Especially my math. I used to get out of the exam hall feeling like I dont know how to ans 80% of the stuff. This time, 30%. (= Pray that I will keep my studying momentum. Thank you all for encouraging me throughout.

Sophia: Pray for diligence in school!

Pls take one person to pray for. And remember to write/give something to your mortal next week if you have not done so yet. (=

To all who are struggling with whatever issues in your life, be it friends, school, work or church, may you remember that God is still the same God who runs to us like the father ran to the prodigal son when he returned. When He reaches out His hands to invite you to walk on the water with Him, keep your eyes on Him and trust in Him who bore the nail-pierced hands for us. (=

We're having our very first CELL PRAYER MEETING! =D Next next saturday (18th July) at 3.15pm. Pls let Sophia know that you're coming in advance.

We need people to serve as waiter/waitress/entertainer for the migrant workers dinner! 26th July. Pls let Wanhui know asap if you're interested! Some of us are going so you won't be alone.


Monday, June 29, 2009

Prayer Requests (28/06)

Be enthusiastic for school!

For my Block Test 2 that God will bless me & be able to handle é stress.

Focused during exams. Pray for discipline to do QT daily even as school resumes (so far i'm still doing it daily, Praise the Lord!).

Wan Hui
Pray for joy & efficiency @ work. Pray for my dad's health to be strengthened.

Re-start my exercise regime! *I ran on Mon & Tue! Hope to excercise 4 times this week. 2 more to go!
Catch up on my 1-year Bible. *I caught up with my reading already!! How to do the cancelling huh?

Re-adapt back to school life. Clarity of mind for tests.

Perseverance to study!

Perseverance to study!

Speed in doing homework!

God bless BFC with a wonderful week!

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Hello BFC! Just now over at dinner (thankyou WanHui!), some of us have discussed to either play badminton or visit the Singapore Zoo. So the answer's pretty obvious, we're paying the Zoo a visit! :D It'll be on 12 July, Sunday, right after 2nd service. The opening hours are 8.30am to 6pm (last admission would be at 5.30pm). From my experience, it would probably take less than an hour to tour around the Zoo. So please let me or Smarties know if you guys can make it. You're also welcome to reply at the tagboard. Thanks!


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

so many photos ahhh.

* please edit the photos yourself.
dont mind, too many photos for me to edit it.
i know there are many more so please be paitent.
blogger taking v slow to upload photos.
for now are the ones above i will upload the rest asap.