Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Small Things

I struggled to get out of bed this morning, watered the orchids, freshened up, came to office, gonna see customers later, then go home, jog, watch TV, spend time with God.. This is my usual day. Nothing spectacular, nothing glamourous. But life is often filled with a series of small things that can amount to something big. Many people in the Bible go about doing routine, mundane chores during most part of their lives too.

Jesus grew up as a carpenter's son and was a "boring" carpenter till he was 30 years old.
Moses spent years as a shepherd before he discovered the burning bush.
Paul was a tent maker, spending a great deal of his life persecuting Christians.
Jacob spent 20 years working for Laban so as to win his wife over.

Life is filled with daily routines. Every now and then, God takes us to the mountain top to experience His presence in a dramatic way. This is not the norm. God uses small things in life to develop character qualities that He plans to use at the appropriate time. In the small things we develop trustworthiness with God. The day-in and day-out grind of working life molds us and makes us into what God desires. God is still preparing us for something great. For now, however, are we learning the daily lessons of small things?

One thing to pray for ourselves: That we will be FAITHFUL. Faithful in small things, in serving, in loving others, in school work, in attending Youth Ablaze, in reaching out.

He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much
Luke 16 : 10a


1 comment:

Beautiful Feet Cell (: said...

thanks Joe for the reminder to be faithful even in the small things. it spoke to me. -wh