Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Prayer Requests (18/07)

Hi BFC! Sorry for the late post! Anyway, here's our prayer requests for the week:

Confidence & wisdom needed.

I feel like I'm absorbing more during lessons now! :)

Thank God that my complexion has improved after 2.5 months of medication!

Thank God for my Math (kept getting U & S → D!) :)
Discipline for Prelims (mid-August)

Thank God for giving me wisdom in my studies, pray that I will continue to do well in my assignments & projects.

Thank God for a wonderful birthday!
Pray that God will bless those who bless me!
Wisdom and discipline in life!

Thank God I passed all my subjects except for Physics!
Pray for the retainees in my class that they'll be able to pick themselves up from the post-midyear results depression, that they'll continue to work hard for Promos coming in 12 weeks' time. May the Lord continue to bless them with wisdom & eventually do well and go to Year 2, if not they'll be kicked out of the college.
Pray that I'll focus more on my Physics, the reason why I didn't pass is because to me is just a H1 subject, so didn't spend a lot of time on it, pray for a change of mentality!

Pray that I can finish revising my syllabus before Prelims. Only have a month left.

Yup, that's all for this week! Anyway, wanna thank everyone for a great birthday! =) Felt really special... As though I was really Darylite King!

C ya all this Sat! =)


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