Sunday, July 5, 2009

Prayer Requests (4/7) and meeting

Hi all!

Joyce: Thank God that I failed only one subject, for the reminder that time is running out and I should stop slacking. (Btw, I got D for GP, in response to what Joe said)

Jasmine: Thank God that I had improved my inter oral by three marks. Remind me not to be nervous during my actual N level oral exam. Put me in preparation.

To Jasmine: See Phil 4:6-7. A verse our cell memorises. (=

Jace: Thank God that I managed to go through the week well. I think God gave me greater confidence to face exams. Especially my math. I used to get out of the exam hall feeling like I dont know how to ans 80% of the stuff. This time, 30%. (= Pray that I will keep my studying momentum. Thank you all for encouraging me throughout.

Sophia: Pray for diligence in school!

Pls take one person to pray for. And remember to write/give something to your mortal next week if you have not done so yet. (=

To all who are struggling with whatever issues in your life, be it friends, school, work or church, may you remember that God is still the same God who runs to us like the father ran to the prodigal son when he returned. When He reaches out His hands to invite you to walk on the water with Him, keep your eyes on Him and trust in Him who bore the nail-pierced hands for us. (=

We're having our very first CELL PRAYER MEETING! =D Next next saturday (18th July) at 3.15pm. Pls let Sophia know that you're coming in advance.

We need people to serve as waiter/waitress/entertainer for the migrant workers dinner! 26th July. Pls let Wanhui know asap if you're interested! Some of us are going so you won't be alone.


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