Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hey BFC! I'm sorry I took such a long time to post, this is a time scheduled post, but here I am. (: I believed most of us truly enjoyed the youth camp & 'My Hope, Singapore' Christmas Party held not very long ago! Let's continue to thank God each & everyday, & that the hearts of our friends & family will be moved by the Lord one day.

Let us now look at Psalms 115:16-18 ;

16The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth He has given to man.

17It is not the dead who praise the Lord, those who go down to silence;

18it is we who extol the Lord, both now and forevermore.

Sometimes we think that being zestful is a born trait, but God has given us the energy to grow. Some of us might even think that we're born without zest for life, however the Bible says, God has put us in charge of the earth. So what can we do to change our spiritual zest? Verses 17 & 18 says that we shall bless Him always, & have the readiness to praise God! We praise Him now, we praise Him, always.

However, I believed some of us might have encountered barriers when you're praising God. We depend on our own feelings instead of faith. We praise only when we feel like it, at times when we don't feel like worshipping & praising God, we just go along with the congregation "half-heartedly". You might be saying it inside your heart, "Sorry God, today I don't have the mood. I know You will forgive me right? I'll do it next week."

Yes, indeed. God forgives us. But is this the right way to abuse His forgiveness? We should throw all distractions away & just focus on God. What happens when we praise God? Acts 16:25-36 says; He'll bless us in return, & even receive blessings that you'd never have expected. Therefore, now is the time to readjust your views of yourself! I believe everyone's born with zest, it's whether or not you've the courage to release it, for God. Tell yourself, "I will praise God today and praise always, no matter what happens or how I feel."

Blessings will chase after you.


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