Friday, December 19, 2008

hello BFC,

the best adminstrator and best at scripture memory. I pray that Lord will bless you in the coming year where you face times of important decision making, that He'll direct your paths to where its best for you. submit everything to Him and live in His goodness for the whole of your 17th year! blessed in His name!

I came here because I wanted to share my experience during My Hope. so timely, after I read Sophia post, I realised its my turn to post.

the party was great, ice breaking was well done, there was so much food, the environment was nice and comfortable, a few couldnt make it last minute but the amount of people that turn up was awesome. all to God's glory.
as the time of sharing got nearer, my heart started racing. I was nervous.
after I sat down, Minhui's first question to me was "honestly YeoMei, tell me whats the purpose of this party?" in a joking manner, but its strucked me, made me felt so inferior. I did told them before its a party with games, food and gift exchange. there'll be a video for you all to watch and a time of me sharing with you guys something you may not know about. I stumbled a bit as I answer her question. it took me awhile to warm up before I started with my testimony. inside me I kept telling God, please guide me along the way and make me speak what you want me to that will touch their hearts.
I was struggling. I was afraid to share, afraid that they'll feel awkward when I say "its God's love that..." or "its because of God that...". that kind of words that link to God that is not as familiar to them.
in actual fact, I was the one feeling awkward as I talked to them. I was the one that is feeling uncomfortable sharing. I felt reserved in sharing some things, but I thought, I have the chance now, I should seize it and go on with it. like what Joe mentioned before, pai seh for God its alright one! I was reminded of Philippians 4:6-7 once again at that time.

6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

yes, what a useful verse that always keep me aware that God will help me at all times :)

After I shared, I asked Valerie to share something too. She is a Christian and I hope she could share something that can touch their hearts too. but she said something that contradict to my testimony. She said she is an on and off christian that is Godly alternately. She felt unfair most of the time(because of her personal problems which I dont think its nice to share it here so publicly) and always ask God why does that happen to her. She keep on praying for a miracle to happen to her, to change her life but God never answers to it. these were her reasons why sometimes she seek God, sometimes she doesnt. so I was like thrown into the ocean, so lost of what to say. so I said "things dont always happen the way you want it to, thats why we need to pray. ok now I'll say a prayer, if you feel like it just repeat after me sincerely in your heart. ok lets close our eyes and bow our heads. " and I went on with the sinner's prayer.

after that I left to put my things in my bag and they went to get their food. it was such a relieve as I leave the room. like wow, I'd done it. :) Praise the Lord!
while eating I started asking them one by one, if they'd followed me in the prayer.
Christina said "yah I did but you said it quite fast, trying my best to catch up and I did! hahaha."
Daphne said "sorry. I really dont believe in such things."
Minhui said " yes I did. but it was quite difficult to catch up with you."
Yuhui said "no. sorry but my mother is my religion."

for Christina and Minhui, is that salvation? I really dont know.
Jacelyn affirmed me that it is because they declared that they said in their hearts. and that salvation belongs to the Lord, He had stirred their hearts.

I'll be seeing them later on, and I'll invite them for service tomorrow.
Father Lord I pray that as I invite Christina and Minhui for service tomorrow, I pray that you'll open their hearts to receive this invitation and they'll have a good experience during Youth Ablaze! Father Lord I pray that they'll once again be touched by You and be affirmed of Your love for them. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
continue to live in such a way,
you never know what great things God will put you in :)

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