Monday, December 22, 2008

Cell Retreat Reflections

Cell Retreat Reflections

Hi everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the cell retreat! Coz I did! =)

I found it really meaningful and feel that the time was well spent. I guess it is important to set goals for the new year. It gives us direction for the new year and motivation to achieve something. Actually, when I first heard all the goals, I was a bit overwhelmed because for me, setting so many goals and targets would be considered ambitious. I'd probably have taken 10 years to set such goals! But then of course, fortunately, we have all types of people in our cell and I am sure we'll be able to spur one another on to achieve the goals we set with the Barnabas Project and all that!

Yup! Another thing about the cell retreat was the thing about the ParentsConnect thingy. For me, because I was born into a Christian family, maybe I didn't feel as much a burden to share the gospel and bring more into His Kingdom. There were relatives who were not yet saved but maybe I was still quite young then to feel any urgency to save them. Maybe the most difficult time for me was when my maternal grandfather was on his deathbed. That was probably the only time I actually prayed quite regularly for my grandfather's salvation. For those of you who still have family members still unsaved, don't give up! Of course we all have friends who are unsaved but usually the ones who are closer to you, we find the most challenging to reach out to. And I guess that is our family. I just want to encourage you all with this verse:

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
Galatians 6:9
Although this verse is not really talking directly about salvations and all, I believe that it works for anything good. So let us not be weary in sharing the gospel to our friends, family, maybe even strangers, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up!

This is obviously a challenge to me since the My Hope party was actually the first time I invited my friends to any such events. But I guess I can do it because I am encouraged by you all who are able to bring almost a whole class of people to such events! =)

Also, I apologise for not fulfilling my responsibilities as a Prayer i/c! Yup! I confess that I haven't really been recording many prayer requests before the "A New Season" post. And of course since I haven't recorded them down, I can't share with you all how exactly God has been faithful to us. For me, I love praying but from young I haven't had the habit of recording down specific prayers I have prayed. So, I remember that God has been faithful in answering my prayers but exactly what prayer he answered and when, I can't remember. So I guess what Jacelyn said was right. We should all have our own personal prayer requests booklet too so we can count our blessings! Anyway, going through records, I do have some records of prayer requests over the past 3 years. Most are from the year 2007. 2008 has hardly none. 2006 doesn't seem to have many either. I think there were many more but I either didn't record them down or I misplaced the list somewhere. You all will have to forgive me here =) So I'll just post what I have so far...

May 2006
Andrew - To be able to go for Church camp
Smarties - To be able to go for Church camp

October 2006
Andrew - For reconciliation with his father
Aaron - Protection and journey mercies on the trip to Taiwan
Clarissa - To be able to find a job; For her family to be united during this tough time
Yong Liang - Wants to know more about God but still not sure

November 2006
Yong Liang - Prayed and received Christ (3 Nov 2006)
Aaron - For a safe trip back to Singapore!

Yes.. These are so far the only records I can find for 2006. 2007 has a lot of them. I'll post them up the next time round. Please be patient =)

Anyway, one last thing I wanna say...

Thank you Everyone for such a wonderful and meaningful cell retreat! And thank God for those who came and those who couldn't come! =)

Sorry I'm too lazy to thank each person like the previous time... Juz too tired =)

Merry Blessed Christmas to all! =)


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