Thursday, December 4, 2008

hello people of BFC.

Sacrifice offering.

hello im back here to share something with all of you that i allows me to re-think about my faith in God.

My mom went to some church service which talks about giving an offering unto God which requires our faith. And as she was praying about it, God showed her the amount of $5000 twice.
( that was the total amount left sufficient for my Dad's study school loan and our expenses)
She came home and shared it with me and this tested our faith for God.

coincidentally, while i was doing my daily journal i came upon this.
Matthew 19:27-29
and Luke 5:4-11

and it talks about, must we be lured with the money to do God's work?
What about the call of God on our lives?
How much is enough? Where does sacrifice fit in?
As we read the Gospel long enough, we will be confronted with a Saviour who calls for sacrificial commitment.

I felt that God's word was speaking directly at me at that point of time.
reminding me about SACRIFICIAL COMMITMENT.
it also reminded me about Peter,James and John who had worked with Jesus but GAVE UP EVERYTHING and FOLLOWED Jesus.

God also showed me the verse where it says something about
He returning a hundred fold of what we gave up.
this verse allowed me to grow more faith in God.

As most of you might know, my family is going under some financial problems.
so when i know that my mom was struggling in this point of time,
i was too.
and i was thinking, giving God that everything we had
an he really bless us more and help my dad clear his debts?

then God spoke to me thru the journal,
" Will you struggle in your life with these little sum of money, or will you trust THE ONE to supply all your needs in future giving you back a hundred fold?"

His Word still continues to remind me of what little Faith i have in Him.
God really tested my faith and i need a Huge Faith to pray for my family
and for my mom to put that amount of money in.

That amount, $5000 requires a Big faith
and that is what i called Sacrificial Offering unto God.
does $10 requires much faith?
how about $50?
or about $100?
if any of you can afford that amount,
it does not require faith.
BUT if God wants you to give Him 3/4 of your money or even everything,
will you have the Faith to give up everythng and follow Him?
knowing that He will bless you more.

hope that this would come in handy in your life walk with God.
this situation really tested my faith for God.
and i hope you would ponder about ur faith with him.

much love, CLARISSA(:

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