Sunday, September 27, 2009

oct chillout =D

2nd post. (In case the previous one didn't catch your attention.)

What's happening next week??

October Chill Out! (give yourself a good shake if you haven't realised)

Thank you to YM and co for planning the previous one. We all enjoyed ourselves and it won't have been possible w/o you guys inviting your friends!
Some of us discussed yesterday during cell on what to do and since Nov would probably be a lighter programme (exams and all), we're playing sports next week! Here's the outline:

Sports (carried out by Joel and Smarties)
-Dodgeball/ poisonball
-Touch Rug
-Backup: Captain's ball
-To all: Pls bring any kind of ball you may have for dodgeball (e.g. tennis ball, soccer) that is preferably not as small as pingpong ball and not as hard as basketball. And let Joel know via sms so that he knows if there'd be sufficient on that day. (What's his no? Check the BFC card)
-To Joel: You can probably ask the children's church in advance for the kids soccer ball if there's not enough

We're ordering pizza! (: (Quantity based on turnout on the day) Please bring around $5 each excluding friends.

-The park opp Yuying (there's a open stage there or something)
-MPH for wet weather (not confirmed)

Let's all be sporting and ask at least 2 friends to join us and chill a little. (: (in spite of exam period) Remember our theme this year: Impact One! Start praying and fasting if you're desperate enough. (:

Anyway, we're having simultaneous prayer for our friends on Fri night 10pm i.e. pray at the same time wherever you are. Daryl will send you guys a reminder. (:
May God put in us a desire to see people drawn to Him too!


Prayer Requests and Thanksgiving(26/9)

Hello all! (: Here are the prayer requests:

Daryl: Thank God for an enjoyable week and His protection over me! Pray that I'll continue to enjoy doing Maths!

Joyce: Thank God for the (parents') food ministry in school--> free dinner--> can study peacefully without having to worry about how to settle that day's dinner =)

YM: Fully utilise every time I have, balance between studies and God

Jace: Thank God for improvement in subjects thus far. Pray that I will not be stressed but have peace even as I go about my daily routines

XY: Fully utilise my time and increase productivity (: Pray that I'll stop sleeping during sermon during service.

WH: Pray for parents' health to be good. Pray for wisdom, clarity, effectiveness at work and favour in the things that I do

Annabelle: Pray for the examinations coming in 2 weeks time. Pray also for calmness during the paper.

Jas: Sufficient sleep and able to manage my work properly. Pray that I am able to seek for more friends to church next sat. and for those who did not attend church today, give them a desire to come fore the following week.

Sophia: Pray for discipline and peace of God during revision that I'll not panick as exam gets nearer. Pray for overwhelming response for youth camp. And may the presence of God continue to be with my teacher's mum. Thank God for everything that has happened this week (:

Lingjia: Thank God for everything. Pray for confidence in the Lord, to really submit to God's way. Need peace from God and the joy in studying. Be able to leave everything to God

Joshua: Good start for sem 2

Alright! (: To all having or not having exams, may God's peace continue to be with you and that you will draw close to Him cause' He's the source of peace! (=
Please feel free to drop a prayer request or thanksgiving in the tagboard! Nonetheless, you're still covered in prayers which you may not know. (=

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Prayer Requests & Thanksgiving (19/09)

Hi BFC! For this week...

Thank God for my good prelim results :)
Pray that I will not be complacent and continue to work hard! Perseverance! :)

Thank God that my exams have ended!
Pray that I will continue to study.

Thank God that my back's getting better, & learnt a lot of new things!
Pray for attentiveness in class as I prepare for coming Promos.
Pray for my teacher's mum, she's having the surgery in Oct.

Continue to trust in God to guide my steps and for my future!
Thank God for Prelim results and that I know where I stand!

Continue to keep those who are having exams and preparing for exams in prayer:
Aaron (Prelims)
Ling Jia (Promos)
Sophia (preparing for promos)
Jasmine & Anabelle (papers start 5 Oct rite?)
Clarissa (do you have?)

And for those still having holidays, hope you've had a great holiday so far! May you continue to have a fruitful holiday!
And Cheryl, may you find favour with your colleagues and supervisors even as you continue selling those credit cards!

Daryl =)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Prayer Requests & Thanksgiving (12/09)

Dear BFC! Here are our prayer requests and thanksgiving for the week!

Pray for my teacher's mother's health to recover, it's some kind of heart problem and needs to undergo surgery. Pray for God's presence to be with her always (even though she's a Buddhist now) and that she'll come to know God one day.
Pray for confidence and calmness as I publicise for youth camp next week (there's still some reluctance though haha). Thank God for an awesome week even though I had <5>

Xi Ying
I passed all my H1 and H2 for the 1st time in my entire JC life :)

Bless me with good health. Able to concentrate in studies.
Fast recovery from intestinal infection.

For stamina to run the last lap of the race with endurance.
To trust God above the circumstances.

Do also keep the following people in prayer as they are still having their exams:
And also pray for those who are having holidays that they will use them wisely!

God Bless,
Daryl =)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Prayer Requests (as of 5th Sept)

Joe: Pray that I can go back to my excercising regime :)

Daryl: To have the discipline to use my holidays wisely, & to see things from God's perspective.

Jasmine: Pray that I'll have confidence for papers. Thank God for giving wisdom and I stayed awake during today's paper, & also able to bring a few friends to church last Saturday.

Annabelle: Pray that I will not be distracted & that I could concentrate on studying.

Sophia: COURAGE!

If you have the time, do check out Impact One's blog (link's at sidebar), the latest post on 8th September. It serves as an encouragement for us to persevere on, even when faced with continuous rejection from family/friends. Don't give up! See you guys this Saturday! :DD


Friday, September 4, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Prayer Requests & Thanksgivng (29/08)

Hi BFC! It's great that we have lots of prayer requests AND thanksgiving this week! Shows our dependence on Him and our thankful hearts!

Thank God that Prelims are almost over.
Pray for discipline and perseverance to survive the last week.

Pray for GOOD relationship between parents.

Pray that I'll DIE to self. Die to ill-discipline.

Thank God I hit my 150% target in August!
September is another stressful month. Pray for continued faith.

Pray for the coming Prelim exams

Thank God that my exams are over.
Pray that I will adapt well as internship starts.
Pray for favour with colleagues.

Ling Jia
Thank God for my results.
Pray that I'll continue to enjoy the presence of God and have the discipline to manage my time well.

Pray for my mum's health and also for my upcoming N level.

Pray for Ida's sister, she's in the hospital. Hope God will stay beside her and allow her to recover fast. Thank God that I'm able to bring Annabelle back to church to speak to God. Hope she'll feel comfortable with us. Pray for our upcoming N levels. God bless Iris through her way to the new environment.

Yeo Mei
Thank God I survived Prelims.
Pray that I do not lose my pace in revision, continue to work hard.
Pray that I spend more time with God.

Thank God for a fruitful week! :D
Pray that the weekly cell discussion in my class would work out well, and that we will be able to first bring in Christians from my school to join us, and eventually impact the entire college!
Pray that I'll always be on task and fully utilise the time that I have.

Thank God that he sustained me through the hectic weeks of prelims and pray for disciopline to study and the wisdom to prioritise and do what is most important :)

Pray for my Prelims - that I will have diligence & put in effort =)
Thank God because He has been talking to me & strengthening me!

Pray for my coming exams which is on 7 & 8 September. Very very important papers.


And here's a hymn for encouragement,

What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privelege to carry everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.

Have we trials and temptations? Is there truble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged; take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful, who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness; take it to the Lord in prayer.

Are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Saviour still our refuge, take it to the Lord in prayer!
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In His arms He'll take and shield thee; thou wilt find a solace there.

Blessed Saviour, Thou hast promised Thou wilt all our burdens bear
May we ever, Lord, be bringing all to Thee in earnest prayer.
Soon in glory bright unclouded, there will be no need for prayer
Rapture, praise and endless worship will be our sweet portion there.

May the peace of the Lord be in our hearts! Have a great week! Sorry for this long post. Do note that there's a previous post about sending Iris off (red card) on Thursday!

See ya all soon!