Friday, May 9, 2008

keep on praying.

this time its my turn to post.

rmb i shared about the good news that my grandma came to receive christ?
yepp it was good news.
however because of my grandps's condition and also afraid that my other uncles and aunties who are not christian gets to know about her going into christianity actually stops my grandma from turning into a christian. she told my mother that she did it for grandpa and that maybe it would change him if she turn into a christian so to make him happy.

my mother shared with me that deep in her heart can feels that grandma did not only did it for my grandpa but she was also really touched by God's love and presence when she was being prayed for.
i was disappointed that in the end she turn away from God not gettting to know Him more yet.

after a few days, my auntie whos a christian, called my mother to say that first uncle called and scolded her for bringing grandma to God.
and that first uncle wants to speak to my mother about it.

my mother told me that she feels that all this happens for a reason.
she believes that God is trying to test whether my aunties who are christians are going to come together to pray and pray on behalf of their other siblings and grandma.
my mother also told me that there's gonna be a change and break thru in this family.

my 2nd uncle once accpeted christ into his life.
my mother did not force him he told my mother that he wanted to go up to the altar and to accept God. but because of his wife , first uncle and first auntie, he did not go back to christianity again. and from that day, his family had so many problems.
but all this that happened, only my mother knows and all these years the whole family did not know that he actually accepted God of his own will and that no one forced him to.
my mother wanted to have a family meeting to just clarify and to ask uncle and grandma to share how they really really felt when they accepeted GOD. and that they did it out of their ownwill because they felt His Presence.

see how satan actually causes conflict and unhappiness in the family?
see how he can twist and turn us?
see how he can stop our love ones turning to GOD?
and to destory God's plan?

i wondered to myself why first uncle would be so unreasonable.
why he can have the right to choose which religion he wants and that everyone must also follow his religion?
everybody has their rights to choose what life and religion they want.
and besides, all of them all all grown up adults.
plus its not as if my mother asked him to commit a crime or murder.
why must he scold them?

first uncle even said to my mother that we christians are not following our ancestor's God.

the emperor is only allowed to go up to the top of the temple and to pray on behalf on the people and the country. this MAGNIFICANT structure serves as a mysterious reminder of a time when the spiritual heart of the CHINESE NATION was much different than it is today.A TIME WHEN CHINA WAS RULED NOT JUST BY ONE EMPEROR, BUT BY ONE GOD.

i got this dvd from my mother.
its a christian history in china.
and i feel that my uncles and aunties should watch it and realise that we are actually praying to our ancestor's ancestor's God.

yesterday i was listening to a christian cd.
that in one song it sang,
eph 6 : 18
keep on praying.

i find that i should keep on praying for their salvation.
& yes, although im a child i felt this urge that God wanted me to go to my grandma and pray for her and grandpa. and to let the family see that even a child's prayers can be powerful.
so that they may all feel His Presence right there.
that God may use me as his mouth piece to pray for my grandma & touch her heart.

i felt that we should all keep on praying for our close ones who have not been saved.
no matter what happens we should keep on praying on behalf of them.
and also on behalf of our generation.
i feel that GOD is going to do something amazing in our generation.
we should never giveup and keep on praying.
when one or two are gathered together in prayers, i believe that the power of prayer will be powerful and that we can see God's work being done.

so i encourage you guys to keep on praying too.
3 times a day, morning, afternoon and night.
a simple prayer do work.
to pray for their life and their salvation.
im sure you yearn to see ur close ones coming closer and closer to God.
so that on that day, you will see them together in heaven that they are being saved.

God bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi dear!

Indedd, prayer is powerful. keep on praying
