Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hi BFC. (: Thank you for the wonderful time at the retreat and each and every one of you definitely means much to the cell! Hope that the retreat has refreshed all of us and motivate us to move towards our vision and goals as a cell. Like what Joe and Smart said, there's still time for us to grab and continue to grow as a cell!

Below are some prayer pointers. Pls take some time to pray for one another. Let us commit our plans to God and cultivate a heart of expectancy to what God has in store for the cell!

In general
-Ask God to increase our faith , that we shall not limit Him by what we perceive of the 'little time' left
-Pray that we will manage our time well and have a spirit of excellence as we serve the cell
-Pray that each week that we meet up, God will give us new insights and that we'd begin to share deeper
(Why is it important to pray for our weekly meetings, you may ask? I'd like to share something that really touched my heart. I went for a SA village prayer walk just recently and the parents who organised this told us that they prayed for the village every wed. When I was at the pre-prayer walk, I was Spirit-filled so quickly. And I began to see that it was the unceasing prayers of these parents that I had benefitted from the prayer walk. Even for YA and church services, people have been praying before service for God to move in the place and we have benefitted from it. Let us pray and develop this anticipation for God to do even greater things even during an ordinary cell meeting!)

Parents Connect
-Pray for Clarissa for God-given ideas as she plans the Parents Connect activity
-Ask God to soften the hearts of our parents to come for the activity and that God will deposit something in their lives

Mission trip
-Pray for Iris and Ben that as they plan the mission trip, God will speak into their hearts and direct them the way to go
-Pray for willing hearts to go for mission trip as one body
-Pray that our parents will allow us to go for the mission trip, and that He will answer our financial needs

Project 1024
-Pray for XiYing that as she executes the project, God will give her strength as she juggles sch work too

-Ask God to help us to be disciplined and to desire to devote 20 mins of our day to intentionally draw close to Him and learn from His word

Your very prayers is heard by God, whether long or short, fluent or not. (: Last but not least, remember to write your note of encouragement to your mortal else the person will be very sad! =D


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