Saturday, September 13, 2008

it's me again. but this time perhaps with a more personal post. (:

I felt I should share a little about my life. I'm really thankful that I got to know all of you. Some, close to 3years, some more, some less. But each relationship is special & unique.

Actually I was quite vulgar during my early teen years. Perhaps even arrogant. I was rather good in playing cards & DOTA (if you know what it is) among my classmates. I saw how my grades fell and I wasnt worried about it. Coming to Sec3 with people whom I have good relationship with & whom I thought were like my good friends. Then, I experienced betrayal and noticed how they plan to keep me away from the group. There wasnt really a leader among the few of us at first. But when one retainer joined the group, he sort of became a leader. Probably he was a good-joker, confident & idontknowwhat.

When I no longer had friends, my life was like empty. I already back-slided and was not close to God. I didnt have any support or foundation (like my stage became black-out). But somehow I went talked to Joe. He was like the only one I could depend on although I had only known him for like 2 or 3 months.

Jace asked me a question during dinner. My reply was, I think I left church because my cell leader left. Leon (some of you might know him). Not because he was stressed out or what. But he went to his girlfriend's church. And out of my 3 male leaders, I was closer to him. Probably because he is the cell leader. I remembered on the first Saturday of 2006, I came to church and not knowing where to go (it was cell discussion first then service). The first person I saw was Ivan Ong. My ex-assistant-cell leader. Instead of bring me to his cell, which was with Kara & Ernie. He asked if I wanted to join Joe's cell. I was okay with that. I also remembered that a good church mate of mine asked me if I wanted to go over to his cell. I really thought about it. But I decided to stay & I have never regretted that.

Looking back, I'm convinced that it was God's Plan for me to be in Beautiful Feet. And it's probably the best place for me to grow (not saying that Kara & Ernie arent good leaders). I'm really really thankful that God places people like all of you in my life. Joe, for the many things that he taught me. WanHui, for always calling me, "Dear". It really meant a lot to me. Kevin & Smarties, who tried very hard to get me to talk, to know me better & even inviting me to Kevin's house for a stay-over when I only got to know them. For the rest, Thank You so much. May we continue to grow in our spiritual walk with God together.

Jace also asked me another question. "What if Joe leaves the church?" (something like that). I am quite certain that I will not leave. This 3 years, I believe I have built my foundation on God. And indeed I have grown. I'm sure Joe&WanHui can testify that. I also thankful that I know many of the leaders. Most of them, only by name but there are others whom I can easily talk to.

Oh ya. My ministry. I just want to share that it wasnt really my decision to join the sound team. Joe suggested it and encouraged me to join. I tried out and began to like it. It's actually a very useful skill. (Sophia, continue to learn from experiences). haha.

That's about all. I might have miss out something.


when I said "really" I really really mean it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi dear!
Wad a wonderful sharing from your heart! You really are a precious!