Saturday, August 2, 2008

events coming up

Hey guys. =D

We are going to be attached to Young Adults cell on 15th Aug (Friday). (:
Please come because..
(1) We're going as a cell so don't be afraid or shy.
(2) It's gonna be fun cause' I'm going to be around. (IM KIDDING! =D)
(3) Your presence will encourage the rest of the cell members to come. Woah..
(4) It'd be a good start since we're going to be in Young Adults one day. (:
(5) The CPU we're attached to is Wanhui's cell, give her face. (:

And... the week after, we'd be doing CP work (go visit residents) with them.
We're youths so must be thickskin and "go forth and multiply". =P
Be a blessing! (:

Btw, we're going to have our zonal bonding on 16th Aug (Sat). And because some ppl from our cell is organising the activities, please give us face by coming! (: Gonna be overnight.. sounds packed right.. but we're youths = energetic and enthusiastic! =D


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