Saturday, August 30, 2008

hi guys.

hmm just here to post on what you guys are supposed to bring so that you guys wont come exclaiming:"eh joe! oh shit i forgot to bring that! can you lend me?!!"


things to bring:

1)cardboard and paintbrush(designing of cell tee
3)sleeping bag
4)badminton racket,shuttlecock,sports attire
5)extra set of clothing for sleepover
7)money $20 (for cell tee and food for sunday and monday)
8)swimming attire for swim at joe's house(or in case you get thrown in)
9)contact len solution(for those we needs it in case you have to go ard looking for it)

yeah guys so i really hope that we will have a GREAT time together as a cell and lets bond closer together and indulge in the joy of having the cell coming together and lets pray that we will move to another level of "closeness" so that we can stand out and be a great example of what a cell can do yeah!

do i hear a Amen out there? (support me for once please=) dont give me face also give God face mah^^)

Friday, August 29, 2008


hi fellow BFC!

hmm, due to a "last min" informance by joe's authority that he has a meeting on coming tues, 2nd sept, he is unable to apply for leave on that day. so we have somehow shifted a programme slightly.

we will be having stayover at joe's house on SUNDAY, 31ST AUGUST,2008 instead.

we would be having BBQ on that day too, followed by stayover, then the next day we would go for our badminton games at PLCC.

we have sent out a PIO on 28th Aug, by right you guys should be informed already.

so hope to see you guys on sunday morning service too! ^^

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

hi ppl!

hoho. 4 more persons have confirmed to go for cell bonding! they are:





haha. so add together we have 17 ppl turning up to play in one badminton court!! hoho ^^

Monday, August 25, 2008

hi BFC!!

yeah! we are having good responses from our cell. so far these are the people who will be going to the cell bonding:

Derek(yeomei's friend)
Joshua yeong

haha. good that so many people are turning up, these are the people whom confirmed with me that they are going. but people like yongheng,sherman, is not going, so if possible, do encourage them by sending them smses to come!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hi guys. and girls of BFC.

i have a important announcement to make. this announcement is confirmed and there will be no changes already!




things to bring:

1) badminton racket
2) shuttlecock(if you have)
3) instant cash(err $12 bucks should be enough for the whole day, have to pay for BBQ food)
4) change of clothings(for after sports and stayover at joe's house)

lastly, a FULL-OF-ENTHUSIASM HEART! (because we will be meeting our fellow cell-members whom we have been in the same cell for 3years-to-come)

so after badminton, we will go buy food for bbq, maybe not all of us will go buy, we will decide then. after which we will proceed to joe's house.

we will start BBQ(pls do not be tempted to think of his two doggies), then we can go up his house to do some stuffs. like, do up our BFC T-shirts. yah. will be planned out.

we will then stayover at his house.

hmm, i hope all of us can pray together for joe and wanhui's work leave to be approved so that we can stayover at joe house, and wanhui can join us too. also hope all of our cell members will come too! including people like derek, benedict, so on...

so see you guys !!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

cp was good experience for the youths. a

I was kind of late and I had a hard time finding the block, its so deep within the block of flats. after that BFC went to rotiprata stall and have supper. it was supper together with olympics.

crop the picture because the foreground isnt very pleasant. hahaha.

for actual size picture, get from me online alright :)

hope to see more people tomorrow at youth ablaze! :D
oh! and smart is planning an exercising session for BFC! it'll be next sunday(31/08/08)
please come and have some fun. take some time out for relaxation. whole day long for books is harmful to your health! :D

Sunday, August 17, 2008

hello BFC! :D
zonal bonding last night was one whole lot of fun. those who didnt go, had missed all the laughter we had.
because I was late and all the games had already ended, BFC was really nice to play blind mice again for the second time. thank you guys and girls :D

and big welcome to our new friend, Benedict! (he is in white shirt beside Joe)
ok maybe not new to some of you cause I heard its his second time in church. hahaa.

picture file size too big, I am afraid blogger will reject my post. so these are the only 2 pictures. want more pictures go to facebook, I had uploaded all the pictures there :D
anyway, these pictures were taken at around 2.30am in the morning. how cool, everyone still have the energy to pose and smile :D

CP next friday! take time off to come alright! I believe it'll be another fun time together as a cell.
we can go for dinner after that! or maybe supper? :D

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Visit WH's YA cell on Fri Aug 15th!


Remember the CP attachment we talked about?

If you don't, basically the YPM_17 and 18 cell groups will be attached to a young adult cpu to have a feel of what being in a young adult cell is like. Also, you'll get to meet my cell mates and on Aug 22nd, we'll ALL go out to our blocks in Hougang to give out mooncakes, learn to do PR with community residents.

It's going to be very fun! I enjoy doing CP (community penetration) alot!

BFC will be attached to Wan Hui's CPU so you'll feel very comfortable!
My Cell meeting will be at the new unit at Blk 247 from 8pm to 10pm.

I know some of you think it ends late. NVM! Just come at 8pm!
If you need to leave earlier, no prob about that.

I really encourage all of you to come this friday! If we can come for CP Fun day together, i'm sure we can come visit my cpu together.

Let's meet for dinner at Kovan Mac at 6:50pm?

In our cell, we have:
Ice breakers, Worship, Sharing, Word.
This week's word, we are doing the bible study program so therefore,it'll be good for you to read through 1 Cor 5-9

p.s Pls reply to me (9829-3684) or reply to my email (i sent tis via email too) whether you are coming or not and with a reason too. Thanks dearies!

God & Wan Hui

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Saturday, August 2, 2008

events coming up

Hey guys. =D

We are going to be attached to Young Adults cell on 15th Aug (Friday). (:
Please come because..
(1) We're going as a cell so don't be afraid or shy.
(2) It's gonna be fun cause' I'm going to be around. (IM KIDDING! =D)
(3) Your presence will encourage the rest of the cell members to come. Woah..
(4) It'd be a good start since we're going to be in Young Adults one day. (:
(5) The CPU we're attached to is Wanhui's cell, give her face. (:

And... the week after, we'd be doing CP work (go visit residents) with them.
We're youths so must be thickskin and "go forth and multiply". =P
Be a blessing! (:

Btw, we're going to have our zonal bonding on 16th Aug (Sat). And because some ppl from our cell is organising the activities, please give us face by coming! (: Gonna be overnight.. sounds packed right.. but we're youths = energetic and enthusiastic! =D


Friday, August 1, 2008

Devotion: Power to bless

To my dearest friends in BFC,

I was reading the 40 prayer n fasting guide titled, "Power to Bless".

Have you wondered why there is suffering, poverty around?Why doesn't God reverse all forms on social injustice? WHY?

From the guide, i read that God does not want to perfect the world by His power and might. INstead He wants to change the world through US! We can work together to bless others.

How can we do it?

Do you know that LSBC is a Community Penetration (CP) church? What is CP all abt?
CP is more than just blessing the community. We have started to move on to inspiring other churches to start their CP work too. For the past 10 yrs since GOD called us to enter into Hougang, we have been blessing the community with gifts, prayers, friendships. Numerous salvations came from such CP blessings. People's hearts changed because they see God in us, because they can feel the love of God through us.

Genesis 12:1-3
1 Now the LORD had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, From your familym d from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you. 2 I will make you a great nation; will bless you nd make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
Zonal Holy Spirit Night - "Renew Your Passion"
Aug 1st 2008
Level 4 auditorium
8 pm to 10 pm
Gist: It's going to be about renewing our passion in God and also about blessing others through CP. Learn from the Young adults all about CP work!