Saturday, June 7, 2008


Hi everyone!
Daryl here.
This is my first post! (everyone say yeah!)
Sorry I haven't posted till now even though I was supposed to do so at the start of this week or sth. Anyway, I'm quite new to this thing so please be patient =)

Hi... I don't really know what to post but since Josh says it doesn't need to be devotional then I'll just write on some stuff.

Just last Wednesday, I did CIP with my class. It was a class CIP. What we were supposed to do is sell badges on the streets around town to help raise funds for or sth like that which was helping the Student Advisory Centre. The SAC kind of helps delinquents and youths from disadvantaged families. Actually, it was one of my friend's idea. So I wasn't really sure of this thing and what we were supposed to do. Anyway, we had to do a four-hour shift which I later found out was a really really really really long time! It was not easy like approaching people to ask them if they wanted to buy badges to support The badges were going for a dollar a badge but most people would just like shrug you off before you could finish saying anything. It's much more difficult than collecting money in a tin which is rather self-explanatory. So, in the end I only sold like 14! After 4 hours! But actually not 4 hours, coz I kind of didn't do the last hour! I gave up! It was quite tiring and it was getting dark. I really wonder how you sell stuff in the dark.

Anyway, what I learned from this is that it's really difficult to press on especially when you're not really doing something for a meaningful purpose. Not that what I was doing was for a worthless cause. But it was not something that I was interested in. It was an agreement by the class. I mean if everyone wants to do his or her own thing, it wouldn't be a class CIP alr rite? But anyway, it was a really good experience coz I now know how those people who try to sell stuff or play music to raise money, you know all those elderly people and all, feel. It's kinda like somebody asks you if you could spare a minute and then you just refuse politely and walk away without even hearing what the person has to say. Anyway, next time, do take the time to stop and listen and think because you never know the opportunities you might have missed just because you didn't stop.

I guess that's it for now! Don't really know what I'm supposed to do...

And this holidays have been quite tiring. Have to keep going back to school for lessons and CCA and project work and all... You guys & gals might feel the same but I'd liked to remind everyone:

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the verse.. it spoke to me.=)
