Friday, June 27, 2008


for the jc people, mye should be over except for people like SOPHIA that ended like before the holiday. holidays must have been much more relaxing for her. enjoy and celebrate for this weekend and its back to working towards the promos! all the best! :D
and for those taking O'levels. really must go all the way alright! :D

I really thank God for blessing me throughout this tough time. although its just mye, but its the first time I put so much effort in my studies. I didnt even work so hard last year for my O'levels. papers were difficult and I know how badly I'll do for my subjects but I still thank God for bringing me through this week. I wanted to give up studying for my H1 physics, cause it was the last paper and most of the people had already finish their papers and celebrating but I still have one paper to go. that really demoralised me. but yea, God assured me. :D

tomorrow there should be a cell dinner, if Joshua had inform you guys. he has very good memory so I believe and trust in him to inform you all. but I am afraid I cant go for cell dinner, again. yes I know I had been missing all the cell dinner, but it always turn out that I've something clashing with it. I cant go for YA tomorrow either, I've a match tomorrow. :(
if time allows, after my match ends, I'll rush to join you guys in my sweaty and smelly attire! hahaha! :D

raise 2 hands and feets with me to agree that GOD IS GREAT! :D

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