Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Prayer Requests & Thanksgiving (24/07)

Hi BFC! Sorry for the late post! My computer crashed...
Anyway, here are the prayer requests and thanksgiving for the week!

Pray for enjoyment & fulfillment in whatever I'll be doing in the next few weeks. :)

Thank God for a pretty productive week. Pray that I will learn to rely on His strength and provision even more.

Thank God I managed to stick to my strict diet!
Office is like a pressure cooker now. Please pray for favour from customers and orders to come in!

Thank God for discipline! Pray that I'll continue to be disciplined and that I will study smart!

Do continue to keep those taking O Levels in prayer!
See you all soon!


Sunday, October 18, 2009

prayer requests and thanksgiving (17/10)

Hi people. Hope you guys have been doing fine. (:

Do you guys want a consolidated timetable of all the exams we have so that we can keep each other in prayer? If so, you can either sms Daryl or me and we'd compile it asap. (:

Below are prayer requests for 17th.

Daryl: Thank God for my class and that study break has started! Pray for discipline to eat healthily, sleep well and exercise and to study!

Joel: Thank God for the fun we had! Pray for the discipline to study hard and for perseverance

WH: Thank God for that crazy "report" week that went by! Pray for wisdom, inspiration, sensitivity to hear from God as I prepare for sharing for teens (=

Lingjia: Thank God for everything, the results and everything. Need clear directions to know where to go next.

Sophia: Pray for better time management in the oncoming commitments.

YM: Fully utilise time left in working for the exams

Jacelyn: Thank God for the wonderful farewell assembly. I was really affirmed by my civic and co-civic tutors' notes that they were encouraged by my life. Pray that I will not fear or look back at past failures, but to place my faith in God as I mug on. (:

Clarissa: Pray for grand daddy and pray for wisdom for my family to handle the situation. Pray for perseverance and wisdom in my new modules.

Joe: Pray that I can stick to my diet!

Sharon: Pray that work will be smooth-going this week!

May this verse remind us to always keep praying. It's a powerful weapon yeah! (:
Eph 6:18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to SHEPHERD'S PIE aka WAN HUI aka PAMELA aka PRINCESS FOREVER 21
happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Prayer Requests & Thanksgiving (10/10)

Dear BFC,
Our prayer requests for this week:

Pray for my ulcer!
Pray for stamina and belief for the last lap.

Greater Sense of Contentment

Find strength in the Lord to persevere on! :)

Pray for strength to continue for the last week of internship
Pray for a good start for Sem 2!

Pray for strength & focus as I continue to keep momentum for studies.
Close walk with God. Not to compromise quality time with God for studies.

Thank God that Aunty Daphne (Uncle Francis Chia's CPU), who was in ICU for 3 weeks, is now out of the hospital :) She's been battling cancer for many months. The doctor says patients who go into the ICU hardly come out.

Thank God for this week! Pray for discipline and peace of God to be upon me as I finish up my remaining two papers.

Wan Hui
Pray for a good and smooth month at work & for protection and blessings over my bosses.

Yeo Mei
Focus in my work.

Pray for more faith and trust.

New ideas for project report.

Pray that my mum's new job will go smooth.

Keep me in prayer for my finals.
Thank God I passed my driving.

To be healthy and for discipline to keep fit :)

We may all be in different seasons of our lives. Some are finishing school, some just started a new semester, others are about to start school. In all this, let's keep one another in prayer and also our faithful leaders! I believe in the power of prayer! How about you?


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

prayer requests and thanksgiving (3/10)

Prayer Requests and Thanksgivings for the week! (:

LingJia: Positive attitude when results are out. Need miracle!

YM: Study hard!

Daryl: Thank God for the productive week and for His strength in seeing me through. Pray for discipline n determination in studying.

Joe: Pray that I'll be positive and trust God to hit my targets. I've been rather negative lately. I must get out of this mindset! Pray also for continued discipline to exercise!

Jace: Thank God for Prelims result! I improved alot. Pray that my heart, mind and soul will learn to trust God wholly.
Here's a verse for you guys, especially those feeling the stress of exams.

Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

5-in-1 package of promises! =D