Monday, May 25, 2009

Prayer Requests (23/05)

Hi BFC, these are the prayer requests for this week! Quoted exactly:

Thank God for watching over Iris. I hope the result out will be negative.

- Healing (Flu & Sore Throat)
- GP Paper. For discipline

1. Leave to be approved for Leaders' Camp
2. Good sales results for May /June

Pray for Pastor Ruth to recover from her flu.

Have a great week ahead! Go conquer it! =)

God bless,
Cell Retreat!
20 June (Sat)
1600-1830 -- Youth Ablaze
1830-2200 -- Steamboat @ Bugis
2200-0000 -- Cell Goals Review

21 June (Sun)

0700-0930 -- Wash Up
0930-1100 -- Travel to church, breakfast
1100-1300 -- 2nd Service
1300-1500 -- Lunch @ White Tangerine
1500-1730 -- Badminton
1730-1830 -- Break
1830-2000 -- Dinner (to be decided)
2000-0000 -- Home/Chill Out

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Prayer Requests (17/05)

Hey BFC. Here are the prayer requests.

Down with super bad migraine and body aches since wed. Pls pray for healing.

Hope my sister's friend, who is called Iris too, to have a successful operation this coming Monday

Greater awareness of Christ. My CCA's having some restructuring. Pray that I can balance my studies and still be able to give God my best in prayer ministry (and that He'd give me ideas!).

Do well for tests

Mid years in next two weeks. Juggling both exams and trainings well, make full use of my time.

Pray that the end of year OCIP trip will not clash with the youth camp cause my teacher's asking me to choose between the two. Also, to be focussed and manage time better in studies, OCIP involvement, Pre-U sem trainings, planning of COP for class, CCA and church. Three tests in next week, foresee that there'll be no time to finish revision but gonna have faith in God!

Healing for ulcer and cold. Determined discipline for life. Refreshing rest.

Pls pray for the one after you on the list. And for those who are not on the list, you can still pray for your cell members. Let us continue to share, encourage and pray for each other! He hears. (=

God bless you with a good week ahead!


Friday, May 15, 2009

Passion For Christ

Dear BFC-ers,

In preparation for May 16th's Youth Ablaze, do take some time to read the passage from:
Philippians 3:1 – 11

Pst Ruth will take us on a journey of developing our passion for Christ. We will learn from the Apostle Paul who was a passionate follower of Christ and learn about his passion so as to develop ours!

1. Why do we need to have Passion for Christ?

2. What does it mean to know Christ and the power of his resurrection, share in his suffering and becoming like him in his death? (Verse 10)

To find out more about Paul, you can also read Acts 28!

Will cya tmr!

p.s Don't forget to embark on your "100K"


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Prayer Requests (09/05)

Hi all! These are the prayer requests on Saturday:

Sorry for the delay!
All prayer requests are quoted word for word.

Pray for those in SR as we're having MYE in 1 wk!!! >.<

Unknown (I'm so sorry I don't know who this is)
Thank God for my results! And pray for a my friend that has family problems (parents quarelling)

Pray for that I want to transfer class successfully.

→ SYF = Gold :)
→ Blocked nose for 2-3 days - very irritating - but during CF (8/5) we sang the song 'Breathe', (This is the air I breathe......) then I felt my nasal passage cleared, & I could breathe normally again :)
Was like God asking why I didn't pray abt my nose - cos' I just had to ask for that. Which I didn't do (pray).

Oh, one more thing. If your prayer request has been answered, could you put a tick in front so that we know it's answered? Yup, like that (this actually the square root symbol).

Thanks BFC,

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hey BFC. Here are the prayer requests from those who were at cell just now.

1. Having 3 matches in a week (mon, wed and fri). Pls pray for strength and stamina to survive the week with matches and schoolwork to manage.
2. Midyear exams in 16 days. Struggling with revision. And during MYE period, she'd be having national team competition. Pray for focus in studying and ability to do well.
3. Please pray for healing for her left wrist which is injured

1. Pray that her YWA cell members who need to apply leave for their cell holiday to be able to get it, especially JW
2. Thanksgiving! Thank God for strengthening relationship between her bro and her. Continue to pray for their relationship. (=

1. Pray for MYE, prelims and N levels that it will go smoothly, especially English. Also, that she will have confidence in her studies.
2. Pray for the cell in their studies, exams, health and our leaders in their jobs too. (=

1. Pray for better time management as she does up 2 proposals. The month of May will be packed with OCIP meetings and Pre-U seminar briefings and meetings.

1. Pray for refreshment and touch from the Lord
2. Renewed strength to love and serve others

1. Good health, favour with people, divine appointments
2. Wisdom in speaking to friends

1. Pray for family
2. Better in his relationships with people

1. The discipline to manage her time well as she tries to balance relationships, studies and rest
2. That she will not be discouraged or fear that she wouldn't do well for studies; trust in God for more!

Thanks for your openness in sharing! I'm really encouraged by you guys. For those who have not been able to share your prayer requests, feel free to msg whoever you're comfortable with or just leave a note at the tagboard!
Anyway, those who contributed, we'd pray for the person after us. In this order alright...

God bless your week ahead!
Jace. (=