Sunday, November 23, 2008

photos for today, ok yesterday to be exact.

the story boards

the polaroid photos

ACJC CO Concert
starring Joyce Tan from Erhu Ensemble
Joyce's supporters
Joyce's mummy and daddy
Joyce's wonderful cell mates and leaders plus Beatrice and CS
the girls
the guys
other photos will be put up on facebook soon. (note the word 'soon')
the above pictures are re-sized, if you want original size pictures, please get from me on msn or whatever other ways.

I'd a wonderful time of fellowship, I hope all of you had too :)
let's all make it a must go for the next zonal bonding alright. we got to get out of our comfort zone(referring the BFC itself), and know more people from the church, not just within our cell.

let's pray for Xiying's eczema condition and her safety as she is going to Hong Kong 2 times this december.
let's pray for Clarissa's work, that she will not tire herself so much with the long working hours, and that it'll not affect the time she spends with God.
let's pray for Benedict's safety as he goes to Cambodia, providing help to the orphans. and that he'll learn something out of this experience.
let's pray for Smarties because he is falling sick. and pray for everyone's health too as the flu virus is spreading and getting so contagious nowadays.
let's pray for YeoMei's safety as she goes to Perth for training and matches. pray for no injuries and that she'll learn something new. also, not forgetting to spend time with God and give thanks in whatever situation.
let's pray for the lost sheeps, their spiritual well being. have faith in them, have faith in God.
*please add on to the prayer list if I miss out any

Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."

handy tip
give Thanks

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