Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I've not blogged here for quite a while...... so here I am to blog a teeny weeny sharing.

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.

Just during this morning at 00:00 ++, I was reading the previous day's our daily bread and this verse appeared. So I kinda smiled and told my mum who was beside me, "I hope this verse is for me." The reason for saying that is because I felt that I didn't deserve the wisdom God gives cause I'd been spending the past three days sleeping like a pig, watching tv like end time is coming and i need to watch it now kinda thing. But I think it's mostly because it was the last paper and I really really don't want to study. (I started studying only at around 7pm)
Anyway, I went on to read the rest of the chapter and the words, "without finding fault" seem to have appeared more real to me somehow.

James 1:6-8
But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.

Yup, it sounded quite fierce.. Haha. Especially the word double-minded man, cause I remember my aunt who described our mind as a battleground between Satan and God. Being double-minded sounds to me like I am standing on each side once in a while or as the old chinese saying goes, "one leg step on two boats".. And ain't even sure of what I believe in! The result: I clung on to this promise and my geog paper was really a bliss. (:

I hope this sharing reminds us whenever we choose to either believe in God's promises or forfeit it. He doesn't have any reason to take back His word especially when He loves us so much. Of course, remembering His assurance in Romans 8:28 that all things work for the good for those who love Him even when it doesn't seem good to us at all. (:

To those still mugging hard for exams, may God grant you wisdom. And to the cell, wisdom in our everyday life and the willingness to give Him our best (:

Sorry for the sharing that did not prove to be short.


Rom 10:14,15

Why are we known as The Beautiful Feet Cell? It's from our cell verse!
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"
Today's NIV
We want to be God's beloved children, bringing the message of His love to everyone around us. In Bible times, people don't have the luxury to wear Addidas or Nike. Neither do they have public transport with aircon comfort nor nicely pathed brick walkways. They wore sandals and walk on dusty grounds, wherever they go! The feet is considered to be the most unglamourous and filthy part of the body. However, when the message of God's love is shared, the Bible says that the messengers we will have Beautiful Feet! When the fragrance of Christ overflows from us and permeates the air around us, even the most filthy part of our body becomes lovely! Let's live up to the challenge of our cell name and bring the light of the gospel into this world of darkness. People will only see Christ in us when we love them and one another. And I must say I'm "so in love" with you guys!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

this is my first post here haahahah...!!
sorryy for the random posting, but i hav to post this haha
i jus uploaded the zonal bonding photos.. sorry for the delay.!
i didnt edit any of the photo and all are raw ahhahaa..!!
if ur want any editing pls tell me i will do my best:)
click for viewing:)
as ur will be wandering why it is so small, hahha i also dont know leh...
i think some of u will like to hav some of the photo right.. i think so..
pls do let me know then i will send an email attaching the photo with it:)
hope ur like it:)
signing off Kaiwei:)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hi all ^^
my turn to post but i have no idea what to post..
its been like almost 1 year since i blogged..
ty for all of you for encouraging me in my walk with god
and for being in the same cell as me,
making my time with BFC meaningful and enjoyable..
yea next time i'll post something biblical hahah....

in case you were wondering i'm Ivan

Saturday, September 13, 2008

it's me again. but this time perhaps with a more personal post. (:

I felt I should share a little about my life. I'm really thankful that I got to know all of you. Some, close to 3years, some more, some less. But each relationship is special & unique.

Actually I was quite vulgar during my early teen years. Perhaps even arrogant. I was rather good in playing cards & DOTA (if you know what it is) among my classmates. I saw how my grades fell and I wasnt worried about it. Coming to Sec3 with people whom I have good relationship with & whom I thought were like my good friends. Then, I experienced betrayal and noticed how they plan to keep me away from the group. There wasnt really a leader among the few of us at first. But when one retainer joined the group, he sort of became a leader. Probably he was a good-joker, confident & idontknowwhat.

When I no longer had friends, my life was like empty. I already back-slided and was not close to God. I didnt have any support or foundation (like my stage became black-out). But somehow I went talked to Joe. He was like the only one I could depend on although I had only known him for like 2 or 3 months.

Jace asked me a question during dinner. My reply was, I think I left church because my cell leader left. Leon (some of you might know him). Not because he was stressed out or what. But he went to his girlfriend's church. And out of my 3 male leaders, I was closer to him. Probably because he is the cell leader. I remembered on the first Saturday of 2006, I came to church and not knowing where to go (it was cell discussion first then service). The first person I saw was Ivan Ong. My ex-assistant-cell leader. Instead of bring me to his cell, which was with Kara & Ernie. He asked if I wanted to join Joe's cell. I was okay with that. I also remembered that a good church mate of mine asked me if I wanted to go over to his cell. I really thought about it. But I decided to stay & I have never regretted that.

Looking back, I'm convinced that it was God's Plan for me to be in Beautiful Feet. And it's probably the best place for me to grow (not saying that Kara & Ernie arent good leaders). I'm really really thankful that God places people like all of you in my life. Joe, for the many things that he taught me. WanHui, for always calling me, "Dear". It really meant a lot to me. Kevin & Smarties, who tried very hard to get me to talk, to know me better & even inviting me to Kevin's house for a stay-over when I only got to know them. For the rest, Thank You so much. May we continue to grow in our spiritual walk with God together.

Jace also asked me another question. "What if Joe leaves the church?" (something like that). I am quite certain that I will not leave. This 3 years, I believe I have built my foundation on God. And indeed I have grown. I'm sure Joe&WanHui can testify that. I also thankful that I know many of the leaders. Most of them, only by name but there are others whom I can easily talk to.

Oh ya. My ministry. I just want to share that it wasnt really my decision to join the sound team. Joe suggested it and encouraged me to join. I tried out and began to like it. It's actually a very useful skill. (Sophia, continue to learn from experiences). haha.

That's about all. I might have miss out something.


when I said "really" I really really mean it.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hello People! ( I noticed there were a few of " hey people " )

My sharing will be on 2 issues in " Every Day with Jesus "

Purity and Power
1 Cor 12:1-20
verse 7 -
A manifestation of the Spirit is given to each person to produce what is beneficial.

Although Jesus told us that through the Holy Spirit's power, we would do greater works than He had performed, the truth is that we are just not availing ourselves of the divine resources. There are notable exceptions to what I am saying, but, by and large, this is the way it is in today's church. Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 1:5 "Our gospel [came] to you . . . in power, in the Holy Spirit, and with much assurance." At the center of that "power' and "assurance" was the Holy Spirit. These traits are largely lacking in much of modern Christianity, because too many of us lack a full encounter with the Holy Spirit.

Some years ago, when I was a pastor in the north of England, another minister in the town (a good friend of mine) said, "You preach about the Spirit's power, and I'll preach about the Spirit's purity. That way we will keep a balance in the lives of Christians in this town." I pondered what he said and came to the conclusion that such a procedure would produce lopsided Christians, for both congregations needed to hear of the Spirit's purity and power.

Today's churches can be divided into two camps - those where the purity aspect is emphasized and those where the power aspect is emphasized. If every church focused with equal emphasis on both these characteristics of the Spirit, we would witness a healthier body of believers. Purity is essential, but so is power. The Holy Spirit supplies both.

"Praying in the Spirit"
1 Cor 14:1-25
verse 15 - I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with my understanding.

What does it mean to pray "in the Spirit"? Here again, there is a good deal of misunderstanding among Christians as to the true meaning of the phrase.

There are times when one feels deeply affected emotionally as one prays, but this is not the meaning of the phrase "praying in the Spirit." It has no relationship to the emotions that we feel in prayer. I am not saying that feelings are unimportant in prayer; I am simply saying that i do no believe this is what Paul had in mind when he used the phrase "praying in the Spirit."

The 'spirit spoken of here is not the human spirit but the Holy Spirit. Some believe that "praying in the Spirit" takes place when we pray in other tongues, and although it can include that, I believe it is much more than that.

Prayer that is "in the Spirit is prayer that is prompted and guided by the Spirit. One commentator puts it this way: "It means that the Holy Spirit directs the prayer, creates the prayer within us, and empowers us to offer it and to pray it."

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones calls praying in the Spirit "the secret of true prayer" and goes on to say: "If we do no pray in the Spirit, we do not really pray." I would hesitate to make such a sweeping statement myself, but I would go so far as to say that if we do no know it means to pray in the Spirit, our prayers will have little impact upon Satan and his forces.

From this two issues, I learned that often there is unequal measure between Purity and Power. There is a need to balance. And that it might be time for us to deepen our levels of prayer. To seek God and know Him better. Last week, we were saying to do something to encourage the leaders. The attendance at Youth Ablaze is deteriorating.
Let's us also do our best for the coming exams! And God will do the rest!

2 Cor 12:9

Hi Dearies,

Just wanna share with you a verse my friend wrote on her blog and it's just so apt and in season. It's taken from 2 cor 12: 9. Sometimes when i struggle, i try to use my own strength and i forget that i'm just like an egg. I will crack, i will break. On the other hand, God is a massive Rock. He will protect me and walk before me to shield me.

I have included a few versions for your reading.

9 And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. (NKJV)

9 Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. (NLT)

My grace is enough; it's all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness.Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ's strength moving in on my weakness. Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size—abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become. (The Message)

All in all, it speaks of God's grace is ever so sufficient for us. It's okay if there are things i am not good at; it's okay if i struggle with things. I can just surrender to God and let Him see me through. We must build our faith and hope in God. It also teaches me that i should not limit what God can do to me, for me, through me, in me. This is really a reminder for all of us to draw close to God, to rely on Him.

Remember that God is always here!

With Love,
Shepherd's pie. =)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

hi fellow BFCs..

this week err BEN will be sharing devotion with all of us, and derek told me he will be coming this sat 13th sept 08. hahah. since i posted this here, he got no excuse to run away ler.

thank God that even though joe and i have to attend a camp, we are still able to attend YA and cell, but unfortunately not for dinner with you guys. =)

so yeah, look forward to see you people this sat, and to those people who are still mugging hard for exams, dont give up! i know talk is easy, but still, dont give up! =)

James 1:2-4

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Today's New International Version

Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.
The Message

My Christian brothers, you should be happy when you have all kinds of tests. You know these prove your faith. It helps you not to give up. Learn well how to wait so you will be strong and complete and in need of nothing.
New Life Version

It all starts from how we see the situation. If we know that trials will make us more like Jesus, we can choose to respond (not react!) to it positively. We can turn trials into triumphs! I think none of us will actively seek to have trials in our lives, however, when they come (they WILL come!), we can choose how we respond. If our goal is to avoid difficulties or mishaps, our trials will seem miserable. Focus our eyes on Jesus. Tell yourself that you want to exit the tunnel of trials victoriously!

God chooses what we go through; we choose how we go through it.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

hey ppl.

so sorry to inform you guys that the badminton courts are fully booked at various CCs. so we wont be having badminton this week. but its okay! we will wear our cell tee and attend YA!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Hi everyone! Would just like to say thank u to all who made the cell bonding fun n possible!

THANK YOU JOE for letting us stay over at ur place n for showing me around ur garden.
THANK YOU WAN HUI for ordering pizza for us while the rest of us were watching the movie.
THANK YOU SMARTIES for organising the cell bonding n booking the badminton courts.
THANK YOU YEO MEI for complaining about me always bidding "no trump".
THANK YOU JACELYN for calling me "Daryl" once during the whole cell bonding.
THANK YOU CLARISSA for watching Fab 40 and wanting to save the animals n help the needy.
THANK YOU IRIS for all ur laughs n for continuously falling down during the games.
THANK YOU KAI WEI for cutting out the template to make our beautiful cell t-shirts.
THANK YOU JOYCE for studying so hard n for ur precious water bottle.
THANK YOU JOSHUA for settling all the money matters n for skipping sch.
THANK YOU IVAN for being my bridge partner almost every other time.
THANK YOU DEREK for playing badminton witn me.
THANK YOU BEN for showing us what a healthy breakfast is.
THANK YOU SHU KAI for putting toothpaste on my face.
THANK YOU YONG LIANG, SOPHIA & XI YING for joining us for the badminton game.
THANK YOU ANDREW, AARON, ABBY, SHERMAN, YONG HENG & FIONA who will join us in the next bonding!
THANK YOU LORD for all the good times we had together as a cell! =)


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A man who has friends must himself be friendly. - Proverbs 18:24

I am overwhelmed with thankfulness to God. He is faithful. He heard our desperate cries. He makes all things beautiful in His time. He has blessed us with wonderful friends in BFC :)
It is a prodigious blessing to have human friends who enrich our lives. Solomon wrote in Proverbs 17:17, "A friend loves at all times," standing with us steadfastly through life's sunshine and storm. Indeed, some of us know gratefully by our own experience that "there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother" (Proverbs 18:24).
Real love takes action. 1 Jn. 3:18 says, "Let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth". To have someone who remains true to us under all circumstances is one of life's choicest blessings. Proverbs 18:24 makes an important point and takes us beyond a description of what it means to be a friend. It says that "a man who has friends must himself be friendly." The implication is clear: Friendliness must begin with us. We must take the initiative in developing relationships with others. Let us be to others what we desire for ourselves. When it comes to friends, to have one you must be one!
What can we do about this? Like what Smarties suggested, let us let down our guards and be open and forthcoming in our sharing. Whenever someone shares, the rest will listen without judgement and be prepared to love regardless. Open sharings increase the depth and quality of our friendship with each other and bonds us even closer. It draws us nearer to God too!
Friendship on a human level is wonderful, but what about friendship with God? It is an incredible blessing to have the Creator and Sustainer of our universe as a friend. Although worshiped by countless heavenly hosts, He takes great joy in His relationship with us. We are loved by the King. How awesome!

Are we neglecting the privilege of walking with God, the greatest of all friends? Today, with gratitude and awe, let's spend time with Him in prayer and in reading His Word. Remember that Jesus called His followers friends (John 15:15). What an honour that we can enjoy friendship with God!
When you spend time with God, you invest in a forever friendship.
4 times a week, 20 mins each session. Start today!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

thoughts for the day

hi fellow BFC!! haha. actually i've been eager to post here for quite awhile even though it is not my turn yet, but i guess it should be okay yeah? if not our cell's blog would be quite dead, and perhaps some regulars may feel quite dull after seeing the same old post everytime they come with certain anticipation for new posts.

hmm, to start off, firstly would like to thank the whole cell, for making effort to come for the cell bonding, also i felt that we are able to get along very well with each other, and with newcomers! i thought that if i was a newcomer, i would feel very comfortable, and would be able to blend in with the cell well!

also, to of course thank God, for giving us different people of different personality type in our cell, yeah and i guess that complimented each other and that definitely spurred each other to become better, to be motivated to self-improve!

i thought our last cell bonding was quite fun, even though i'm having all the body aches. but i thought, maybe we kind of left our God yeah? haha. that's for how i feel. so perhaps the next time we have another bonding, we would try perhaps to include God more, like perhaps to pray more.

so before i end my post, i though i would share the devotion that i wanted to share last sat but i forgotten to do so. hmm.

i read about the methods used by eskimos to trap wolves. so one very interesting method the use, is to coat the blade of a razor-sharp knife with blood. (those of animals) and they would froze the blood everytime they coat it and make several layers. so what they do is to place it somewhere prominent and stick it upwards with the blade in the open, and leave it there.

so eventually the hungry wolves would smell the blood from afar and attempt to lick it. after the first lick, the hungry wolves would lick it faster and faster and they would not realise that actually the layers of blood has melted and they are actually licking on their own blood when the knife slit their tongue. so after a while the wolf will feel weak after it loses alot of blood and eventually die.

so how can this apply in our lives? this story illustrates how sins work into our lives. when we commit a sin, we may just brush it off thinking it is just a small thing. but we dont know that actually that small sinthat we do not feel remorseful, not repent and ask for forgiveness, is the first step that we take towards self-destruction. and that is very true! alot of us may feel that a small lie would not hurt, or cause disastrous consequences, but we do not realise that it is the first step that we take which eventually lead us to big sins, and it would ruin us.

so fellow BFC, maybe it would help to be accountable with each other, and i encourage you all to share your struggles in life, big or small, during cell discussion. and that would help us to be more conscious of what we have been doing, and we can ask for forgiveness from God.

i felt that this story is very true, because i have experienced it before. sins comes in the most subtle way you can imagine, and it can bring you down before you even realise it, even if you do, it would be too late by then. but our God is good, He is graceful to all of us. whether big or small sins, He would forgive us if we repent. and he would RESTORE us to the ORIGINAL positions we were in before we commit our sins. this is taken from a verse that i was told of, but not sure what it is.

hope it helps =)