Monday, April 28, 2008

unfailing love

Adap0ted from NotReligion Insights

"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not!" (Luke 13:34, ESV)

Have you ever gotten an email or a letter from someone who poured their heart out to you? You could practically feel the emotion oozing from the words?
Today's verse is like that, offering an incredible glimpse of Jesus' heart for His people and His desire to love and protect them. But look at the last five words--"but you wouldn't let me." Five words filled with sadness.
You know, loving someone who doesn't love you back can be so painful. Ever been there? Maybe you've loved someone romantically who didn't share your feelings. Or you've loved a child who repeatedly turned his back on you.
Whatever the situation, love that's not reciprocated is maybe the most difficult love of all. I suppose God could've programmed us to love each other and Him, perfectly and completely--but that's not love; that's automation.
No, God created us to love by choice. You can choose to love other people or you can choose not to. You can choose to love God or not. There's great joy in the first choice, but incredible pain in the second. But it's pretty much all up to you.
So, Jesus will never force you to love Him. He'll never pressure you into having a relationship with Him. But why wouldn't you?
Look at the picture of His heart for you in the verse today! Yeah, He's talking to Jerusalem specifically here, but the Bible makes it clear that Jesus' love and compassion extends to everyone, regardless of race or religion (remember John 3:16, that "for God so loved the world" verse?).
Think about it: What's keeping you from loving Jesus--and opening up to His love for you?

Hey there BFC! (: Sorry that my first post is like soooooo long. Because I'm just so excited.
=D Well, today God really spoke to me man. This morning, my devotion was about loving others. And I started thinking about the topic of loving God. And He placed this in my inbox. Yes, all in one day. I just feel that He was trying to tell me something. Which He did. Some people were making me feel annoyed today.. And I did flared up. That was when this struck me about what this whole devotion was all about. To simply ask Him to help us apply what He has taught in our very lives. Decided to share the above passage cause' it really spoke to me. (:
Anyway, I think this blog idea is really great. Especially when sometimes we feel uncomfortable abrout sharing in cell, we can pen our thoughts here. People who chance upon our blog may get blessed by it too. So don't let it die off! =D
Btw, the above devotion is from You can subscribe for their devotion for free and it comes daily. Helps you to be diligent to read it. =D

Jace. (:

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