Wednesday, January 14, 2009

personal sharing

hi, this post is especially for those who just received their O level results not long ago.

i just want to share abit of my experience during this period of the time last year.

i remembered before i got back my results, i was looking forward, especially to my maths grades and i actually aimed to get 18points for L1R4.
and i still remembered when i got my results, i was quite shocked, that all my grades didnt met my expectation.
i got a b4 for math, when i aimed for b3 and above, and worse of all, i failed my english. an E8 for it.

and that point of time, i rememebered i was just too stunned to talk to anyone, i sat by the stage, just staring into space, my mind went blank, i didnt know what to do at the time.

i remembered i walked home from school, feeling very upset with myself, and i dont know why i got this results even after i studied hard for it.

when i was home, i was very upset that i cried. at that point of time, with a result of 28 points for L1R4, i dont know where i can go. i only passed three subjects, math,science, and chinese.

but i think, now as i look back, i felt that these are ALL in God's plan. somehow i managed to get to RP even though i were only able to opt for ITE schools and courses. and also somehow i got a B3 for my english after retaking it.

but thinking thru it, i saw that God was all along with me, he heard my prayers , and he showed me grace throughout this phrase of my life.

if God didnt planned for me to go RP, i dont know where and what i will be doing right now. i dont know whether i will still be able to experience God as much, and see that He's so real.

all these are really very valuable experiences. and it shows what God can do even in very desperate times of my life. i believe and i trust that God will never fall short of you and He has His wonderful plans for you even if you cannot see what's ahead.

yeah i just want to let those who didnt do very well in this exam know that, God can turn everything around, and i hope that you guys would just take the step of faith to cont to trust in Him, and believe that everything is in good hands. and never give up praying and commiting to God!


joyce said...

agreed :)

somehow God will always surprise us with something we don't expect or deserve... or find a way out for us even though it may seem like it's a dead end and there's no way out. well, just be persistent in prayer i guess :)

Anonymous said...

thank you Joyce for faithfully commenting our posts.. Please tag instead (:

joyce said...

hahaha comment can say more things!