Wednesday, January 7, 2009


So actually I wanted to ask Joshua to post all the goals we've set for 2009, but he has done it already! Haha, I was shocked when I read his post. Anyway, just to inform you guys that I'll be collecting cell fund on this coming Saturday. Do bring extra $2 along. I'll send another PIO again later this week, in case those who didn't have time to read our cell blog.

Then .. Joe has purchased the One-year Bibles! Thanks Joe for only wanting to charge us $20, as it actually cost more than that. I'll inform you guys again as to when I'll collect the money for the One-year Bibles. But unfortunately, there's only 4 copies left. So he bought another 2 copies, & they are in chronological order. So the thing now is, to see which two "brave souls" want to take that two copies! Haha. Let me know if you're the brave one :D Those who have already purchased the One-year Bible, please start/continue reading!

And, it's also the first time I've quite a number of prayer requests! So currently, I'll be busy with leadership training in school, as our college's hosting the Pre-U Seminar this year in June. So we're actually starting to train now. & most likely, I'll be one of the OGLs in charge of the upcoming JC1 orientation in Feb. Please pray for my insomnia to go away! As I really need adequate amount of sleep & energy for the activites. & also pray that the bbq that I've organised for my class on this coming Thursday would turn out well! Friday's my college's Open House (for people who are waiting for Os results) , & also SRJC, AJC & YJC, pray for good turnout for all these 4 colleges! Then this Saturday, I'll be on duty. Pray that I'll have a good rest the day before & wake up feeling all energised, enthusiastic to serve God! Right, that's all for now.

But guys, do you guys still remember the Heb 10:24 Proj? Continue praying for our leaders too! May you guys have a blessed week. (:


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