Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hi all. It's my turn to share! (I can't really see the flow of the PIO system though.. Until Sophia told me.)

I spent my last few weeks of holiday well so I think I won't regret. (= Okay, except this week because it's the time when everyone starts to mug hard and finish up everything on their hands.

Well, I had great time fellowshipping with you guys and some of my friends whom I have not really talked to for quite a long time. Like my P6 friends! =D Some of you would know about the strained friendship I had with them and truly, I think God has really brought us back together and we just laugh at the past silly conflicts.

I also had a camp last week and honestly, I did not really feel like going at first. It was like the second day of the year and I would choose to sleep over camp. Somemore, we're not as close as peanut is to butter. Haha. In a way, I went out of obligation because I was doing the games. But this camp really changed my perspective. I never expected much from the camp (not that I expected little either) but God shaped it in a way for me to confront this subtle barrier that I have placed between myself and my cf friends.
On the first day, the games did not go well and I was a little upset, but I saw that there was unity among us. It's like the camp may not be perfect, but it doesn't matter cause' we're all together. We had morning run on second day, and again, I saw that as long as we go through together, the run feels less difficult compared to running alone. We spent time with God alone when we reached ECP and I was confronted about this issue again. I knew there was some reluctance in me but I committed to Him in prayer anyway. During worship, He really ministered to me.. I began to open up so naturally after that and.. Like even during dinner and games, I started to really talk to my friends (you know sometimes you talk but there's no 'chemistry' but it was really different this time) and even those whom I never talked much to before. (:

Another interesting thing during camp was this session on hearing God's voice. I thought it was another quite cliche kind of sermon but it was quite cool actually. We had a practical session-- praying in groups and tuning in to God. Then the speaker wrote as everyone shared about what they saw or heard. Then we started drawing links.. And we realised that all the things that God revealed is about 'being' and not 'doing'. I guess, when we get right with God about the being, the doing gets easier.
Actually hearing from God isn't difficult because He wants to tell us. It's more about whether we are willing to discipline ourselves to sit down and hear from Him. It is actually a privilege to hear from God, that He actually wants to reveal to us His secrets because we are His friends. (Psalm 25:14 The LORD confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them.)

I hope this sharing isn't that long.. (= Anyway, please pray for those who are going to start school soon because I believe we're all rushing mad with homework and tests. Haha. (=

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