Monday, October 13, 2008

thanksgiving and prayer requests

today SRJCians got back all their promo scripts for checking.
XiYing, Fiona, Andrew and me.

XiYing did pretty fine, one of the few in her class that can promote. but she is upset because, she is seeing a lot of her classmates either retaining or leaving to poly. lets pray for her!
heard from XiYing that Fiona did well too. she got an A for economics!
for me, my results arent fantastic, but I'm really thankful! :) base solely on my promo results, I can be promoted! which was something that I was worrying over. however, getting boarder line results set me thinking if I should stay on for JC or leaving for something that might be better for me. please pray that God will direct me into making wise decision.
as for Andrew, he isnt emo over his results, instead he is very happy that he got B for GP and did well for his other H1s. although he got 31 points, which falls below the promotion criteria, he is still optimistic for moderation to pull him up. lets pray that moderation will do him good!

For the others who're getting their results soon, lets pray that peace will be with them when they receive their results and they'll give thanks for whatever results they receieve.
Romans 5:1 "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God our Lord Jesus Christ."

Not forgetting Joshua, Iris and Clarissa who're taking their O'levels in a few days time. they shouldnt be reading this but I hope others will and keep them in prayer. lets pray that they'll go through the exams togther with the strength of God.
Philippians 4:13 "I can do anything through Him who gives me strength."

I have prayer request too, something that I had been praying hard over. that is the Perth trip. thank God my teacher finally allows me to go to Perth with the condition of someone replacing me. I got my classmate and he said he doesnt mind going. but after that he realised he has a course on for that period.
thank God again that I met another friend that is interested in going, but he is going on a holiday and will be back on 27/28nov. the school trip is from 29nov. its too rush.
all this got me thinking, maybe Perth isnt somewhere God wants me to go. I'll miss the Youth Camp is I go to Perth. it may be such a valuable chance and experience for me, it is also a new venture for me in playing netball. but one thing after another showed themselves as obstacles.
please pray that once again, God will direct me to his calling.

the week of school may be so draining but lets look forward to saturday as a motivation! each day that past also means that we're one day closer to saturday :)
*OH! and praise the Lord! the attendance for YA was 232 last saturday! :D

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