Sunday, November 23, 2008

photos for today, ok yesterday to be exact.

the story boards

the polaroid photos

ACJC CO Concert
starring Joyce Tan from Erhu Ensemble
Joyce's supporters
Joyce's mummy and daddy
Joyce's wonderful cell mates and leaders plus Beatrice and CS
the girls
the guys
other photos will be put up on facebook soon. (note the word 'soon')
the above pictures are re-sized, if you want original size pictures, please get from me on msn or whatever other ways.

I'd a wonderful time of fellowship, I hope all of you had too :)
let's all make it a must go for the next zonal bonding alright. we got to get out of our comfort zone(referring the BFC itself), and know more people from the church, not just within our cell.

let's pray for Xiying's eczema condition and her safety as she is going to Hong Kong 2 times this december.
let's pray for Clarissa's work, that she will not tire herself so much with the long working hours, and that it'll not affect the time she spends with God.
let's pray for Benedict's safety as he goes to Cambodia, providing help to the orphans. and that he'll learn something out of this experience.
let's pray for Smarties because he is falling sick. and pray for everyone's health too as the flu virus is spreading and getting so contagious nowadays.
let's pray for YeoMei's safety as she goes to Perth for training and matches. pray for no injuries and that she'll learn something new. also, not forgetting to spend time with God and give thanks in whatever situation.
let's pray for the lost sheeps, their spiritual well being. have faith in them, have faith in God.
*please add on to the prayer list if I miss out any

Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."

handy tip
give Thanks

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

'My Hope' Christmas Party
16 Dec 2008 (Tue)
Joe's New Place
Invite your friends
& Pray for them!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

hi everyone! its my turn to post.

actually i had been thinking of what to post to you guys, so that we can learn something together, or generate something from it to debate about or so. haha.

but anyway, i thought the movie today were nice! haha. i think its one of the nicest "Cartoon" shows that i enjoy. even better than HSM3!!

today we set till the end of the movie, and as they were showing the credits portion, something struck my mind.
i was looking thru the names that was shown. then i saw everyone walking out of the cinema.

to me i thought, hey why didnt they stay to take a look at the credits or yeah. since, these were the people who made the movie possible, for us to laugh, for us to enjoy.

i think, a lot of times in life, we fail to give credit to God too. everytime we pray, we hope for a answer, and when its answered, its just like a "faith increase" moment kind of thing. but i think, other than giving thanks for prayers, we should be giving thanks for every single thing in our life!

the fact that you can go for a movie with your cell, that you can go church freely but sometimes we just say we are too tired, the fact that God blesses you with your classmates, a school, we should give thanks!

so yeah, lets not be like those who just takes things for granted, but thank God for it.

and i really thank God for this BFC! that we have a close friendship with one another, that we have been in a cell for 3 years ler! its really great to see we have improved together so much. in terms of our relationship with God, our friendship, our looks and etc ..

haha. yeah =)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hey People!

Try to make it for Prayer tonight (12/11) at 8pm. It should be at L4 Auditorium. Let us really seek God for the upcoming Christmas party. Let's pray that this will indeed be the right opportunity for us to invite our friends and also pray that they will be open to receive Christ.

On Friday (14/11), try and make it for the "Matthew" training also. It should be at 8pm at L2 Auditorium. We can always meet for dinner before that on both days.

Go for Zonal Hike & Let's Go Academy!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

24/365 Schedule

Hi guys n gals... I forgot to give some of you the 24/365 schedule so I've decided to put it on the blog so you can refer to it. Our slot is on 14 NOV from 1900 to 2300. Don't forget! =)

Here's the schedule:

14 NOVEMBER 2008

1900-1915: Smarties
1915-1930: Clarissa
1930-1945: Xi Ying
1945-2000: Aaron
2000-2015: Derek
2015-2030: Joyce
2030-2045: Sophia
2045-2100: Joe
2100-2115: Yeo Mei
2115-2130: Kai Wei
2130-2145: Joshua
2145-2200: Iris
2200-2215: Ivan
2215-2230: Wan Hui
2230-2245: Jacelyn
2245-2300: Daryl

Yup.. The rest who r not on the list, it's coz u all have some stuff on... Yeah anw, I won't be around nxt Sat... On holiday.. So c ya around! =)


oh.. and congrats to all those who have successfully completed the Osssssssss!!!!!! WELL DONE! =) We're proud of you all! =)

ZONAL HIKE on NOV 22nd !

Hello BFC!!

LET'S GO for the Zonal Hike on Nov 22nd 2008 and jus have a time of relaxation, healthy exercise, fun and interaction!

I'm counting ALL of us in ok!
We'll meet 9am at Hort Park! Pls refer to the pic and map!
Shepherd's PIE

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I Love the Beautiful Footprints!


I feel like a virgin threading on unchartered grounds! Yes, it's my 1st time ever ever blogging! Hahahahha .... feel a bit swan-gu. But it's a great start for me, esp when I'm thinking of starting a blog for my baby!!!! :-)

Wanna tell u pple that I'm so proud, inspired and encouraged by ur beautiful feet, that r leaving wonderfully beautiful footprints in Youth Ablaze! It has been great watching God transform BFC, not just the individuals, but also the entire cell. I'm sure God is smiling every time He watches how yawl encourage each other, contact each other, lend a helping hand and support to ur leaders, and even writing those lovely cards to encourage the other leaders in Youth Ablaze!!!

U're setting a great eg for many to follow. Keep up the GREAT work, and continue to leave ur beautiful footprints everywhere u go!!!!!
